View Poll Results: Which language is easiest to learn?

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  • French

    23 74.19%
  • Russian

    2 6.45%
  • About the same

    6 19.35%
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Thread: Easier to learn: French or Russian?

  1. #21
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I voted 'about the same'.

    Je pense que c'est in petit illusion que Russe est comme difficile que repute.Debutants seront toujuors etre intimidated par le lexicon cyrillic.(Excuse mon francais, it's a bit niggly here and there).Je trouve que les langues avec le plus nombre des lettres sont plus facile a pronounce.Je crois que anglais a besoin de fixing itself up, en regard a 'ecrivais a parle'.Les anglais aristocratic intellectuals toujour parlent que ni leur (alor, mon) est le pinnacle d'intellingence.Mais, c'est le plus inconsistant, donc le plus out-of-date/obsolite lague du monde (as far as credibility is concerned.Obviously ce n'est pas obsolite, actuallement).English has old spellings with new pronunciations.So, illiteracy in the English speaking world can be blamed not just on the individual, but on the language itself.Eg. 'though', 'thought', 'bough', 'rough'.No other language in the world would have a 4 letter diphthong yet still leave you up in the air as to how to pronounce it.Where on earth did the 'f' sound in 'rough' come from? Hundreds of years ago, in gaelic, yes maybe they pronounced it how it's spelt.But, English is so stubborn and therefore the least impressive language I've ever come across.I'm just glad I'm a native speaker.
    Je vote "about the same" a ce question.Mais, ma russe est juste a commence.Mais, vous francais coulant will probably dire le meme de mon francais. :P .Ainsi, ma croire n'est pas bien informe en regard a russe.
    Le francais a beaucoup de abreviated forms et combinations, donc il y'a deux stage de apprendre.Le formal dans l'ecole.Et alors, 'le rue' francais, ou'est-cest que les parlent en code, presque, quelle n'apprend pas en ecole.
    Le pronuciation en francais, mais plus facile a parler que le russe, est plus difficile to recognize quand tu entend.Parce que, tout de lettre combinations ils endendent un 'on'' sound.L'espangol, maintenant c'est facile a recognize how to spell wht you hear.J'aime les langues phonetiques le plus bien.Suomi (Finnish), par example.
    Alor, c'est moi!

  2. #22
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    However, it always helps to have learned both languages before you make a judgement on it. About English spelling, I agree with you, but there is a bit of a system to it. It's the same system which allows native English speakers to know (in most cases) how to correctly pronounce a word they've never seen before. I think modernizing the spelling would be almost as hard as getting the Chinese to give up using characters.

  3. #23
    Почтенный гражданин
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    En regard au chinois, je sais qu'ils tiennent sur a la characters, oui.Bien sur, un langue ne dois jamais partir leur roots et culture.Mais l'equivalent de chose je dit de l'anglais, il'est leur introduction de pinyin.Un autre example de les langue etant up-to-date mais sans loisir le culture, il'est les langues Scandinavie.Icelandic est ancien, encore apres un mille ans.Mais c'est toujour on the ball at keeping up avec des mots mouvelle.Les introduisent (introduce) les mots, mais adapt them to their grammar and spelling.Ils sont un organization avec la communite a decidire quelles mots a includuire, et quelque mots sont trop etrange.Ils permettent la communite participate a the dicison making process.Aussi, Svenka/Swedish (suede?).C'est tres up to date, comparativement.Par example, ils ont maintenant juste un forme par chaque tense.(Je pense que tu es la personne qui se parle Svenska, ou est-ce il Dogboy ou un autre.Ils ont unite(unified) a pattern where almost all past tense, future and present and infinitive can be predicted.It makes for smooth transition in learning.Je ne suis pas a linguistic militant, but je pense c'est natural for languages to adapt higher degrees of accuracy and pattern as the world gets smarter and more complex.The smartest languages are not the ones with the highest difficulty level.They're the ones which can make simple, the growing range of culture which creeps into the language.The most capable languages are the ones that aren't just comprehensible to intelligent people, but also to the less capable.Bien sur, il y'a quelque de pattern en anglais.Mais, je pense que il peux faire meiller.I don't believe in being sacred about language, as if its perfect.I think just as we improve our ability to speak the language, the language can also improve its ability to be spoken well.I suppose its a balance really.Tradition vs practicality.And for me, communication ease (for also the less intelligent people who can't pick patterns as easily) should always be purpose number one.But I must say one positive about English.Its great for poetry.There are so many words with the same meaning, and you can interchange grammar excitingly.Though in saying that, I'm not good anough at any other language to be able to 'play around with' their words poetically.I don't expect English to drop everything and change.No.But just a little more effort and less stubborness would be nice.

  4. #24
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    Such questions always depend on the student: If his/her mother tongue is Slavic or if (s)he had contact with Slavic languages, then Russian will be easier...and if his/her mother tongue is Romanic or if (s)he had contact with Romanic languages...Get what I mean?
    Џорџ Буш је ратни злочинац!

  5. #25
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    Brett, please, please, that horrible mongrel of a French/English post is hurting my eyes. All French or all English, please.

  6. #26
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ha, ha! Oui, je concede! J'en travaillerais, Pravit.Mais bien sur, quelque de temps vous ne me comprendrez pas.Mais oui!

  7. #27
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Tu peux partager tes textes en paragraphs.
    Џорџ Буш је ратни злочинац!

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    On dit que la langue francaise est la plus belle langue du monde. Je n'approuve pas ca, mais il est certain qu'elle n'est pas la plus belle si on la melange avec l'anglais comme ca. Le francais n'est pas un cheval et l'anglais n'est pas un ane. Mais ce que tu as ecrit se resemble a un mulet.

    (and please do pardon any missing accents graves, accents acutes, circumflexes, etc.)

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