Nee... Er is iets veranderd aan de tussen-n bij samengestelde plantennamen waarbij het ene deel een dier en het andere een plant is of zoiets, toch?
Nee... Er is iets veranderd aan de tussen-n bij samengestelde plantennamen waarbij het ene deel een dier en het andere een plant is of zoiets, toch?
Hartelijk bedankt voor de verbeteringen!
As Drent binj altied stoned umdaj tuschen Hunebedden woont!
Wie zijn eigenlijk de bolle(n)bozen die zich daarmee bezig houden? Ik denk dat als ze Kostja de spelling zouden laten herzien, dat het veel logischer zou zijn. Nu geraak ik er niet meer aan uit.Originally Posted by синичка
Ik denk de mensen van de Taalunie. En inderdaad, ze maken het veel te ingewikkeld.
I have been living abroad several years, so I have often explained the difference Dutch - Flemish. This is how I usually explain it..
Think about the difference between German in Germany and Austria. They all learn official German in schools and besides some regional differences, they all speak and write official German in newspapers and news bulletins. They DO understand each other.
However, when language is used in a more casual way - friends and family, game shows, radio,... - then the regional differences become more apparent.
Especially spoken language show the differences.. I have overheard many conversations between local Austrians and although I speak German fluently, I didnt understand one word..
Same goes for Spanish : Latino's will understand people from Spain and vice versa, but there are differences.
And same for American English and British English. It IS the same language, but each culture has adapted it differently. So for those knowing English fairly well, they will immediatly hear the difference. They will be able to say to the person speaking : you are American or British.
So exactly the same goes for Dutch and Flemish. We - Belgians - call our language officially Flemish for mainly historical and political reasons. But youngster in the Netherlands and in Flanders are learning the same language in schools, namely Dutch.
There are even official annual competitions to test who can write Dutch without errors. Or even game shows on public television... yes, our spelling is that complicated..
And so in the end, people from the Netherlands and Flanders always compete against each other, since each groups believes they know it the best..
And to avoid any confusion : the Flemish are winning just about always !![]()
Sissi, die junge Kaiserin
Vroeger ging de regel als volgt: wanneer het eerste deel een plant is en het tweede een dier en het samen een plantkundig geheel vormt, dan wordt er geen tussenletter -n geschreven bv. paardebloemOriginally Posted by синичка
MAAR met de spellingswijziging van 2006 is deze regel afgeschaft omdat hij te ingewikkeld was, nu is het dus wel gewoon paardenbloem.
Af en toe schrikken de mensen bij de taalunie weer wakker en verzinnen ze weer iets nieuws om nuttig te lijken. Zelfs leraren Nederlands krijgen er meer dan genoeg van.
In reply to the original question: there are no stupid questions (well...anyway not this one). Dutch and Flemish are besides the accent 99% similar. Actually consider Flemish to be just another word for Dutch, but called different because of the name of the region in Belgium where it is spoken and for political reasons. Btw, the Belgians win most of the TV language quizzes, since the Dutch already feel so sorry for beating them every time with soccer
Not when Preud'homme was a keeper.Originally Posted by Jon
Oh, yes, he is still alive and kicking.![]()
O yeah I found him ... %20Man.jpg hahaha
Ok you know I'm just kidding :P , I have to admit he really was a brilliant goalie!!
Ps. El topo, I thought I read somewhere that you're from Russia, well if so you're doing a great job defending the Belgians!
Yes, I am Russian. I've lived in Belgium for quite a while, though. Sometimes it's fun to get involved in this Belgian/Dutch contest. Gosh, they make fun of you guys over here.I bet you return the favour.
Yep it's a great competition we've got going between us. Actually personally I really don't care about this whole Belgian-Dutch (or Dutch-German) thing, but you're right - it's always fun heating up the discussion a little bit.
It's the same with soccer, there's a real rivalry going on between Feyenoord and Ajax in Holland, so when meeting a die hard fan of either club its far more rewarding pretending to be a fan for exactly the other team - sometimes gets them a little mad hehehe (ok I know it's sort of childish, but it keeps me busy)!
Probably something like this going on in Russia as well?
Sure in Russia we have the same. I am not really into this soccer thing, but apart from that we have St.Petersburg-Moscow rivalry, which sometimes can be fun. I am always on St.Petersburg's side.![]()
Well... I've always been for Moscow!
(I bet you saw that one coming LOL)
Originally Posted by Jon
Maar neeje..... wij zijn gewoon b
Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....
Omdat ik Nederlander ben en het me dus een heleboel moeite kost om alles correct te schrijven - zeker met al die kritische Belgen in de buurt![]()
Wat? Geen enkele spelfout? BravoOriginally Posted by Jon
Dank je- moet toegeven dat ik met die zin ook wel een paar uurtjes zoet ben geweest hoor!
Denk je dat we onze Belgische wet gewijzigd gaan krijgen zodat de kindjes van onze kroonprins met de kindjes van jullie kroonprins gaan kunnen trouwen? Niet dat het me een barst kan schelen, maar gewoon om het gesprek gaande te houden...
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