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Thread: looking for serbian penpals&teacher

  1. #1
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    looking for serbian penpals&teacher

    hey there! my name is andrea,i'm from Italy.I'm interested in learning serbian, i'm looking for a friend who can help me patiently to learn serbian.
    I am glad to help you in English or Italian.I like to communicate with people and to discuss different things:sports, reading, drawing, learning,history, almost anything!

  2. #2
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    Hey Andrea.
    I'm Milena and it would be my plesure if i could help you with serbian. I would also like to learn italian, and to become better at english (since i make gramar mistakes quite alot). Anyway, i also like to discuss almost everything (my fav topic is history and literature) and i like languages quite alot. I think i could find time and patience to show you serbian... Ok, here ya then. Greatings from Belgrade
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  3. #3
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    hi milena

    Hi Milena!
    I’m very glad for your very quick answer, and I’m pleased to meet you!
    What about me? I’m going to present rapidly myself: my name’s Andrea, I’m from Trieste, a small and beautiful sea-town near the Slovenian border. I’m 20 years old; I study law at university, where I’m in the second year. I know speak in Slovenian not too badly!
    I’m very attracted by everything dealing with Serbian culture, history and lifestyle. And I think that learn Serbian is the best way to enlarge my horizons in this way.
    Certainly if you want learn Italian or learn about Italy, I will be very happy to help you!
    What about you?
    See you soon

  4. #4
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    Hey Andrea, wow you're from Trieste? I go there all the time, usually on the way to Istria where I am originally from. I otherwise live in Malta.
    Haha a bit confusing eh
    I know you want to learn Serbian; I speak Croatian which is similar but you could call them two different dialects of the same language, but it's really great you're willing to learn, well done
    Pozdrav Triesti/un saluto a Trieste!
    'Only the best people fight against all obstacles in pursuit of happiness'

    "...everywhere he goes, including where he lives, also strikes him as foreign; the point is, he's always the foreigner." ~ John Irving

  5. #5
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    Hey again
    LoL, it seems that i still havent figure out how to post replyes to this forum etc...
    Anyway, wow, it must be great living on the sea cost... As for myself, i've only been 3 times at the sea side. It must be REALLY great living there...
    As for me, well, i live in Belgrade (capital of Serbia and Montenegro). It's quite nice city, i like it, cant really complain, though, it's VERY cold right now... (lots and lots of snow, not to mention ice), so i cant whait for spring. I'm 17 years old (turining 18 this summer), and i'm third grade of high school. When i finish it (and that would be next year already) i'm planing to study languages or maybe literature (but languages most probably, and it would be english and russian). So you study low? Is it hard? I supose it is, but, i donno. As for slovenian, well, i can only say that i understand it quite well since it's simular. I would really like to learn more about Italy and especialy the language. It's my third favourite (right after russian and french), and i would really like to learn it (so i could at least understand it).
    And mayita is totaly right about croation and serbian. They really are simular, very... And mayita, where do you come from? Are you croation? Heh, it really is kinda comfusing. But ok... How is the weather going in Malta? It must be coool place. Ok, here ya soon. Greatings from Belgrade
    Vazno je imati prijatelja ali je jos vaznije imati neprijatelja...

  6. #6
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    ciao Milena,
    come stai?/how are you?
    I can’t wait for spring too, cause this year is colder than the others in the past for us, certanly nothing like your winters, here snow come max 3-4 days in the all winter, but temperatures are low! Enough for us! About my studies I can say you that law is not a very simple subject, but I like it very much so I can hold on and go on! I’m at university from 9am to 18am every day from monday to wensday!
    Just a stupid question: the expresion LoL, I’ve seen it a lot of times, but i don’t know what it means.
    I saw that russian is one of your favourite languages, well, I like russian too! я очень люблю руский язык и немного говорю. Focus on Serbian Cyrillic Would you be so kind to show me serbian alphabet and his pronounciation..just to start softly..
    A presto/до встречи/see you soon

  7. #7
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    hey Mayita,
    how are you? so you are from Istria..and where exacly? now you're in Malta for studying? I sa that you speak a little bit of italian eh? well!
    I think that Croatia have a very beautifull seaside the best of all the North Adriatic, i go there sometimes in summer on holiday: i have been in Umago, Pola, Fiume and Porec..
    a presto..ciao ciao

  8. #8
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    Something weird is going on with the weather, not just here, but

    in the whole world... But ok, it's probably becouse of those

    wars etc.
    I thought that law is not that simple, it must be very exosting,

    but 3 days a weak is ok. I supose that you have to study very

    hard, but it's great if you like it...
    As for that expresion, your question is not stuped at all. First

    time when i'd seen it i also had to ask what that does it mean...

    It's just short from "Laugh Out Loud". It's not the only one,

    there are lots and lots of those short words, so it's a little somfusing

    sometimes when i go to those foreign english chats and they all

    speak with those short words so it's kinda hard to understand

    all, but ok.. lol
    Ok, here we go. We have two kinds of letters, one is latin and

    the other one is cyrillic. We use it both quite equaly, but i

    supose that cyrillic is more natural to us, aldo... I dono,

    depends of the person. We have 30 letters and each letter

    represent one voice. I will give you now cyrillic alphabet and

    the way of pronaunsation, and if you cant understand something,

    just say, and i'll try to explain again...

    Аа(Aa)- is pronounced like in word “mAma”
    Бб(Bb)- like in “Back”
    Вв(Vv)- like” Very”
    Гг(Gg)- “Google”
    Дд(Dd)- like in “Dorian”
    Ђђ(Đđ)- that would be like in word “Just”
    Ее(Ee)- eg. “And”
    Жж(Žž)- I cant find proper English word that would describe this but I think that you already know it because Russians also use that letter, eg. “Женя”
    Зз(Zz)- eg. “Zoro”
    Ии(Ii)- like in “If”
    Јј(Jj)- like in “Yellow”
    Кк(Kk)- eg. “Cool”
    Лл(Ll)- eg. “Life”
    Љљ(Lj, lj)- for this I also have to use Russian “любов”
    Мм(Mm)- eg. “Moon”
    Нн(Nn)- eg. “Noon”
    Њњ(Nj, nj)- like in Russian “меНя”
    Оо(Oo)- eg. “Olive”
    Пп(Pp)- like in “Put”
    Рр(Rr)- It’s more like Russian R then English. It’s harder, like in word “Россия”
    Сс(Ss)- like in word “Stop”
    Тт(Tt)- it’s also harder pronounced then English t, so it’s like in Russian “тогда”
    Ћћ(Ćć)- hmm, I’m not quite sure how to describe this letter. I’m afraid that I’ll have to use Russian again, it’s similar like in word “чёрный “
    Уу(Uu)- like in “lOOk”
    Фф(Ff)- “Find”
    Хх(Hh)- “Home”
    Цц(Cc)- it’s like in word tzar (цар) - (emperor in Russian)
    Чч(Čč)- like in Russian “Чашка”
    Џџ(Dž, dž)- it’s like in “Jack” but more harder, I don’t know really how to explain, but it’s similar to Jack
    Шш(Šš)- like in Russian word “школа”, wich means school and it’s interesting that we use same noun, we also say школа for school… J

    Ok, this is it for now, please let me know if it’s not clear to you so I could try to explain you again…

    PS. i put cappital letters to show how it is pronaunced... well, i hope it's understandable.

    Ћао! (it's itallian ciao, we also use it ln speach when we say good bye to someone, just like you do... )
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  9. #9
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    Thank you very much for the first lesson! I can say you that it was perfectly undestandble. Great!
    I have just only a doubt: the difference between ђ and џ. Could it be that the letter џ has a sound similar of the russian ДЖ in ДЖордж, so harder than Ђ? What do you propose for the second lesson?

    Can I ask you how is the situation in Kosovo? Cause here nobody speaks about it after bombardments finished in 1999.What serbians generally think about it? Is serbian comunity object of albanian’s attacks or is calm? What is the feeling with Nato’s troops?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galathilien
    Ћћ(Ćć)- hmm, I’m not quite sure how to describe this letter. I’m afraid that I’ll have to use Russian again, it’s similar like in word “чёрный “
    Чч(Čč)- like in Russian “Чашка”
    I have a question too. What is the difference between ћ and ч? For my Russian ears ( not ear for music, though ) Чёрный и чашка start with the same letter. Is ћ softer than ч? ћ = чь?

  11. #11
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    I'm glad that you could understand that... I thought it wasnt so good, but it turned out great after all... As for that difference between ђ and џ, well, i think that you italians have that letter ђ, but i dont know to writte it good. I think it's that name Jakomo, you pronaunce it just like we do... and џ, џ is harder, it might be said like in russian ДЖордж or english George, but it's a little bit more harder then thet. I cant really think of the way how to explain you enless i speak you on the microphone. I'll try to think of a way, but yea, generaly, it's simular to ДЖордж...
    As for the situation in Kosovo, well, it's taff... We (serbians) don't have much faith left for it. I guess we fill dissapointed and helpless and those politicians, i personaly cant stand them. UN and NATO forses are still there, and couple of months ago albanians rose up and started to kill and destroy everithing serbian, our churches, houses even cemetaryes. It's really sad and we sent great aid to those little serbs that decided to stay there, but they live really hard and hope, well, i dono. Sometimes it's hard to talk about that, and we serbians, well, my personal opinion is that we lost all of our faith and strainght and even will to fight for anything. That's why so many of us are going abroad and search their happiness somewhere else... I donno... It's tuff, but i hope that will make it through...
    Ah, back to the lessons. Well, i supose that i should teach you regular stuffs like saying hello and simular. But i think that it would be better if you sugest what next (if it's not much of a problem to you).

    To N: LoL, sorry, my russian isn't that grait, but it seamed to me that it has some difference. It's true, ћ is softer then ч, exactly like чь, but could you write me an example, i cant really think of one right now... lol
    maybe it would be like in word изучальи (not sure if i wrote that good though, maybe it's without ь but i'm not sure how it's written becouse i just heard that word on ртр, so i'm really not sure how it's written... LoL, anyway, it's pronaunced almost like that
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  12. #12
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    Hello everyone! Mind if I join your little conversation?
    As for the letter ђ, it' like g in italian word stagione.
    Letter џ is like j in word jet.
    For the ћ letter, it's kind complicated, cause it's letter which doesn't eist in russian, english, french, but it's represented in italian word ciao, as a letter c. Well Italians pronounce it little softer but that is that letter.
    And I must tell one thing, I disagree with the conclusion that letter ћ is pronounced like Ч in Чёрный.
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  13. #13
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    Здраво Милена! Видим заинтересована си за Господара прстенова. Јеси ли прочитала Силмарилион? Galathilien је лепо име, пре свега занимљиво јер се на оваквим форумима не налазе често заљубљеници у Толкинову митологију. ОК, драго ми је да се овде нађе неко ко воли Толкина. Ок, поздрав!
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  14. #14
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    Ya, your explination is deffenetly better then mine. I couldnt think of an example, but i donno, it seemed to me that letter ћ could sound simular to that word, but ok. I guess you'r right...
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlacko
    Здраво Милена! Видим заинтересована си за Господара прстенова. Јеси ли прочитала Силмарилион? Galathilien је лепо име, пре свега занимљиво јер се на оваквим форумима не налазе често заљубљеници у Толкинову митологију. ОК, драго ми је да се овде нађе неко ко воли Толкина. Ок, поздрав!
    Поздрав! Да, прилично сам велики заљубљеник Толкинових дела... Силмарилион сам наравно прочитала више пута и то ми је заправо омиљена Толкинова књига. Што се тиче имена, па не знам, сама сам га извела, свидело ми се некако... Ти си такође поштовалац? Који ти је омиљен лик? Питам само онако из радозналости... У реду, поздрави...'
    Vazno je imati prijatelja ali je jos vaznije imati neprijatelja...

  16. #16
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    Па да ја волим Толкина. Додуше прочитао сам само Господара прстенова (трилогију)... Имам кући Силмарилион, али га нисам прочитао, не знам има много непознатих термина... Прво ћу да прочитам Хобите, па онда тек Силмарилион, па онда незавршене приче. Не знам после Господара Прстенова, читале су ми се друге књиге, тако да сам то оставио за нека друга времена.
    А што се тиче ликова, Гимли ми је најбољи (најсмешнији) карактер. Мислим да ме подсећа помало на Црногорце. Исто су ми симпатични Мери и Пипин (који иако су мали поседују велику храброст). И да, на крају да издвојим ДРВОБРАДОГ!!!
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  17. #17
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    Хехе, да, Дрвобради је цар. Мени су сви ликови сјајни, али некако ми је Гандалф најупечатљивији и могу рећи омиљен... Ипак је он на неки начин и носилац радње. Када прочиташ Силмарилион ствари ће ти бити МНОГО јасније... Иначе, сада сам под утиском Процеса... Сматрам да је роман одличан, али ипак мислим да није за лектиру. Уживала сам донекле читајући га, али тешко је после написати било какав рад о томе (мада сам на крају ипак успела и добила сјајну оцену). Углавном, јави када прочиташ и остала Толкинова дела па да чујем твоје мишљење...
    ПС. Како си пронашао овај сајт и форум? Такође си љубитељ руског (и познавалац). Ако јеси, можда би могао да ми помогнеш око учења (поготову граматике)... Стварно бих ти била захвална... Добро, поздрави онда!
    Vazno je imati prijatelja ali je jos vaznije imati neprijatelja...

  18. #18
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    Да и ја сам баш скоро прочитао Процес. Није лош роман, али сам читао и боље. Ја га апсолутно не би ставио за лектиру. Пре би требали да ставе Хесеа или зашто да не Паола Коеља? Има много бољих романа од нпр. Тихог Дона, или Рат и Мир, где моја професорка књижевности каже да није могла да чита онај део где је рат колико је досадан.
    Мислим да би требало више Андрића да заступају, Селимовића, Ћосића...
    Што се тиче овог форума, па ја сам више од 2 године члан УниЛанга, сајта за љубитеље језика, мада у последње време нисам нешто активан, и онда се однекуд појавио неки линк за овај сајт. Користан је јер имам руски у школи. (Не нисам љубитељ руског, вероватно што ми предаје један матори фосил, који руски и не зна...) Али наравно ако те нешто интересује слободно питај, мислим помоћи ћу ти ако могу...
    П.С. Мој мејл је vlacko@ptt.yu, па ако те нешто интересује...
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  19. #19
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    Слажем се, поготову за Андрића... Он је сјајан (мада нисам тако мислила док се најзад нисам смиловала да прочитам "На Дрини ћуприја"... )
    Што се тиче тог сајта, замолила бих те да ми даш адресу. Мора да је страва. Који језици те посебно интересују? Добро онда, чућемо се маилом, мозда би могао да ми помогнеш да мало објаснимо овом италијану српски... Лепо је то када се људи тако занимају за језике (а поготову за наш, што је права реткост... Видим да их више интересује Хрватски, а оно што су урадили сада у Загребу, па остала сам без речи... Страшно је. Не могу да схватим да неко може да гаји толико мржње и све то...)
    Добро она, чућемо се mail-ом... Поздрав!
    Vazno je imati prijatelja ali je jos vaznije imati neprijatelja...

  20. #20
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    А да што се тиче тог Италијана, наравно ја сам за. Договорићемо се већ око детаља.
    А да то што се тиче утакмице Партизан- Динамо. Страшно, мислим мржња је толико велика да не знам да ли ће за 100 година да се нешто. Не знам шта нас је терало да се уједињујемо са Хрватима и Словенцима...
    А што се тиче Андрића, не треба трошити речи. Осим На Дрини Ћуприја роман је фантастичан, што могу и да додам и за роман Проклета авлија. А још је и употпуњен доживљај када сам гледао представу крушевачког позоришта, која је фантастична.
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

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