Ok, i can write you down the most usual greatings. For example, ćao/??? (same pronaunced as your ciao) is the most usual greating. We use that almost all the time. When we see someone for the first time in the day, we great him/her with Dobar dan (but that's when some yunger man speaks to an elder person, and it's called 'persiranje', i can't find and english translation, but that means that you speak to that elder person in plural usualy, or, well, i hope you understood this... lol). We also use word 'Pozdrav' wich means greating, and also 'zdravo' (that word litteraly means healthy but it's used as greating). Oh, btw, 'DObar dan' means Good day, good evening is said 'Dobro veče' and Good morning is 'Dobro jutro'... Now, those usual frazes like How are you?-'Kako si?', What's your name?-'Kako se zoveš?' or 'Kako ti je ime?' But the firs one is more common, Where do you come from?- 'Odakle si?' or 'Odakle dolaziš?' but again, first one is more common, How old are you-'Koliko imaš godina?' or 'Koliko si star?' etc...
About that fraze, Vlacko alredy sait it's meaning, and i havent really found that quote anywhere, it just came into my mind, if you understand what i mean...
As for Kosovo and Albanians, well, i really don't know know what will happen with all that. UN and NATO are still there, and they are "protecting" those serbs that are still there. Since the year of 1999 as Vlacko wrote. Yes, i personaly do think that serbia will lose Kosovo, but yet, there is still hope left (maybe). As for the goverment, well, everyone here are disapointed in goverment, it's coruption, noneficiency etc. They(the gouverment) say that they "wont let us loose Kosovo" but i really believe them. Anyway, it's terrible...
I have to study now, so, Pozdrav!
Oh, yes, maybe you could also write me down italian alphabet and pronauntation and all... I havnt studyed italian at all, but studyed latin and i understand (and speak a little) spanish also, so i'm able to understand sometimes some italian sentences and words...