Something weird is going on with the weather, not just here, but

in the whole world... But ok, it's probably becouse of those

wars etc.
I thought that law is not that simple, it must be very exosting,

but 3 days a weak is ok. I supose that you have to study very

hard, but it's great if you like it...
As for that expresion, your question is not stuped at all. First

time when i'd seen it i also had to ask what that does it mean...

It's just short from "Laugh Out Loud". It's not the only one,

there are lots and lots of those short words, so it's a little somfusing

sometimes when i go to those foreign english chats and they all

speak with those short words so it's kinda hard to understand

all, but ok.. lol
Ok, here we go. We have two kinds of letters, one is latin and

the other one is cyrillic. We use it both quite equaly, but i

supose that cyrillic is more natural to us, aldo... I dono,

depends of the person. We have 30 letters and each letter

represent one voice. I will give you now cyrillic alphabet and

the way of pronaunsation, and if you cant understand something,

just say, and i'll try to explain again...

Аа(Aa)- is pronounced like in word “mAma”
Бб(Bb)- like in “Back”
Вв(Vv)- like” Very”
Гг(Gg)- “Google”
Дд(Dd)- like in “Dorian”
Ђђ(Đđ)- that would be like in word “Just”
Ее(Ee)- eg. “And”
Жж(Žž)- I cant find proper English word that would describe this but I think that you already know it because Russians also use that letter, eg. “Женя”
Зз(Zz)- eg. “Zoro”
Ии(Ii)- like in “If”
Јј(Jj)- like in “Yellow”
Кк(Kk)- eg. “Cool”
Лл(Ll)- eg. “Life”
Љљ(Lj, lj)- for this I also have to use Russian “любов”
Мм(Mm)- eg. “Moon”
Нн(Nn)- eg. “Noon”
Њњ(Nj, nj)- like in Russian “меНя”
Оо(Oo)- eg. “Olive”
Пп(Pp)- like in “Put”
Рр(Rr)- It’s more like Russian R then English. It’s harder, like in word “Россия”
Сс(Ss)- like in word “Stop”
Тт(Tt)- it’s also harder pronounced then English t, so it’s like in Russian “тогда”
Ћћ(Ćć)- hmm, I’m not quite sure how to describe this letter. I’m afraid that I’ll have to use Russian again, it’s similar like in word “чёрный “
Уу(Uu)- like in “lOOk”
Фф(Ff)- “Find”
Хх(Hh)- “Home”
Цц(Cc)- it’s like in word tzar (цар) - (emperor in Russian)
Чч(Čč)- like in Russian “Чашка”
Џџ(Dž, dž)- it’s like in “Jack” but more harder, I don’t know really how to explain, but it’s similar to Jack
Шш(Šš)- like in Russian word “школа”, wich means school and it’s interesting that we use same noun, we also say школа for school… J

Ok, this is it for now, please let me know if it’s not clear to you so I could try to explain you again…

PS. i put cappital letters to show how it is pronaunced... well, i hope it's understandable.

Ћао! (it's itallian ciao, we also use it ln speach when we say good bye to someone, just like you do... )