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Thread: What the Hell does "The Buck Stops Here," mean? Pl

  1. #1
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    What the Hell does "The Buck Stops Here," mean? Pl

    I never understood...
    It is Winter and Very Cold.

  2. #2
    DDT is offline
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    This was saying devised by the Nagasoixcroche Indians who were known for their inept hunting practices. After spending the night drinking beer and mixing martini’s they would wake up by the white ashes of a burned out fire too hung over too hunt up any breakfast.
    When their irate wife’s came out of the tee-pee’s demanding to know where the meat was for their burritos and why the men were not out hunting the reply was always the same. “We are hunting, the buck stops here”.
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  3. #3
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    @Rosa Anna
    Read this

  4. #4
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    In colloquial though, saying "the buck stops here" may mean "That's enough!" Like if there's been a feud and someone is about to try revenge, someone may say "Alright, this has gone far enough. The buck stops here. No more fighting. Put this rubbish behind us."

    I thought "The buck stops here", in economics terminology, meant that the money won't leave the country, that the economic gain will remain in the community. In Australia, politicians say "The buck stops here" to mean "this stays in Australian businesses and goes back into the community, not to multi-national corporations". But then again, politicians are always manipulating real meanings into false ones, so perhaps this is merely another example of language-abuse.

    @DDT. With all your time spent with Native Americans, I bet you actually did this, waiting for a buck to come to you, due to being a white fella brought up with all our conveniences. Your posing it as a joke is a thin disguise , buddy! ha ha

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    What does "X" mean?


    What means "X"?

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    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Rosa Anna, unfortunately you got gibberish from people who don't know their A** from a hole in the ground. I have no idea why they responded in this way. Joseph's answer is correct.

    You know how people are always saying "It's not me, my boss made me do it."? This is called trying to pass the buck. I.e., not take responsibility for your actions, push it off onto someone higher up, your boss.

    Well on the boss's desk you'll find a sign, The Buck Stops Here. In the US it used to be on the President's desk, but I don't know where it is nowadays. You sure haven't heard whatshisname taking responsibility for all the mayhem that's been going on in Iraq.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Scotcher, what such a comment you make there! I'm waiting for you to start posting in Russian so the знатоки can start sniping at your Russian like that!!

    Have to apologize for dumping on ya, but I am just about fed up with irrelevant sh1t that I keep seeing here, skipping anything posted by certain ones. You are not one of those posters -- except this once!

    I don't know what to do (I bet I will get a lot of suggestions about where to go).

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    с уважением,

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    This was saying devised by the Nagasoixcroche Indians who were known for their inept hunting practices. After spending the night drinking beer and mixing martini’s they would wake up by the white ashes of a burned out fire too hung over too hunt up any breakfast.
    When their irate wife’s came out of the tee-pee’s demanding to know where the meat was for their burritos and why the men were not out hunting the reply was always the same. “We are hunting, the buck stops here”.
    sounds good to me....
    It is Winter and Very Cold.

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    Calm yourself. I wasn't being cheeky or obnoxious, I was trying to help. The mistake "what means..." is quite a common one for Russians learning English, and it's likely to be a recurring one until someone points it out, which is all I did. Since Rosa Anna's original question had already been answered adequately, I didn't feel I was derailing the thread by mentioning it.

    As for waiting for me to start posting in Russian so that you can snipe back at me, I would't hold my breath if I were you, it doesn't happen very often. I'm only learning Russian as a means of survival for when I'm forced to visit my inlaws a couple of times per year (as I have been recently, in fact), and whilst I had to learn to read it as a practical step towards speaking it, I have absolutely no reason to learn how to type it. However, on the very odd occassion that I have slogged through typing a Russian post here, out of boredom and/ or drunkeness, you can rest assured it was littered with mistakes, and I was grateful to whoever pointed out each and every one of them.

  10. #10
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    А вот и не подерётесь! То-есть, могу поспорить, что вы не подерётесь.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  11. #11
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    I'm ok with it actually as much as I am fond of being stood up for, hey that was kinda nice.... thanks Chaika. I've been speaking English since around 6 y/o or so, but many non speakers were in my home and it's completely natural for me to simplify. I rather like less words and care not a bit for English grammer. I appologize. I know it's in the forum rules write as best as one can. I just chose not too, from grammer exhaustion I think.

    All take Care now, ya hear?

    It is Winter and Very Cold.

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