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Thread: Some accounting terms

  1. #1
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    Some accounting terms

    Проводка: in Russian, this means the action of tranferring a record from the debit of one account to the credit of a corresponding account or vice versa; it can also mean the resulting corresponding entries. Those of you who know somethig about the double-entry system will know what I mean.

    I wonder if this word has a close, if not precise, equivalent in English.

    Another question: I am translating a text where the author uses "объём работы" in two different meanings: sometime it means the things that should be done, sometimes it means the length of work in hours. The customer insists that it should be translated as "scope of work" in both cases. While it is a good translation for the first meaning of the expression in question, I have some misgivings about using it as a translation for the second one. What do our native English speakers think about that?

  2. #2
    BJ is offline
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    For Проводка: I think 'posting' would work. Debit and credit entries are 'posted' onto ledgers... you could say the items 'posted' on this account...
    For the second part of your question - could you use 'the volume of work' that would cover hours taken

    My Russian is poor but my husband is an accountant - I knew he'd come in useful one day!

  3. #3
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    Re: Some accounting terms

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Проводка: in Russian, this means the action of tranferring a record from the debit of one account to the credit of a corresponding account or vice versa; it can also mean the resulting corresponding entries. Those of you who know somethig about the double-entry system will know what I mean.
    Internal or accounting transaction.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies. I have completely forgotten about this post.

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