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Thread: Question

  1. #1
    Почётный участник Julienovich's Avatar
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    A have some test. One question in this test is very strange. I can't understand it. What meaning does it have?

    Which one of the following words describes the attraction children often have for trouble?

    1. Aggregation
    2. Agrarian
    3. Affectation
    4. Alacrity
    5. Affinity
    Please, can You correct, if I have made mistakes.

  2. #2
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    Re: Question

    I have a test. One question in this test is very strange. I can't understand it. What meaning does it have?
    Which one of the following words describes the attraction children often have for trouble?
    Which word best describes the relationship between children and trouble? (Children have an _____ for trouble.)

    (Hrmpf! I'm new-ish here and the "preview" option doesn't seem to be working for me, so I'm not sure how those quotes will come out...)
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  3. #3
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Re: Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Julienovich
    A have some test. One question in this test is very strange. I can't understand it. What meaning does it have?

    Which one of the following words describes the attraction children often have for trouble?

    1. Aggregation
    2. Agrarian
    3. Affectation
    4. Alacrity
    5. Affinity
    Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.

  4. #4
    Dr. is offline
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    Affinity -one of synonyms are attraction or relationship.
    Affinity - an attraction to or liking for something
    < people with an affinity to darkness — Mark Twain >
    < pork and fennel have a natural affinity for each other — Abby Mandel >
    (it's from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition (2003))

    V. Affinity ·noun That attraction which takes place, at an insensible distance, between the heterogeneous particles of bodies, and unites them to form chemical compounds; chemism; chemical or elective affinity or attraction.
    (from US Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary (1913 edition) )

    a close connection between two things because of qualities or features that they share
    (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

    If you have an affinity with someone or something, you feel that you are similar to them or that you know and understand them very well. He has a close affinity with the landscape he knew when he was growing up...
    (Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, 4th edition (2003))

  5. #5
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    Affinity is correct.

    I dunno but alacrity might work as well.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    Affinity is correct.
    Yup, I agree
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  7. #7
    Почётный участник Julienovich's Avatar
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    Thank you!
    Please, can You correct, if I have made mistakes.

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