Quote Originally Posted by Бармалей
Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

By the way, out of 100% (perfect skill) how much would you give me?
I'd say 3%?

Truthfully, probably like 90ish%? It's an incredibly subjective question, so I don't really know how to answer it. You have some crazy political ideas and your icon looks like a dancing booger , but you have a pretty good command and your sentences are typically pretty clear. There is of course some room for improvement (as always) -- in the opening post there are a few grammatical errors (the ones with verbs stand out). The biggest thing though, is just style. You're completely understandable, but just the way you phrase things can sound weird. I think you have exactly the right idea in mind with reading English-publications if that's something you want to address. Still, I'd say you have a very solid command of the language, which is no small task!
So the question is - how do I find out whether am I reading good English or another gibberish written by a dollar worth chinese translator.

One of the drawbacks of being a translator is the fact that people speaking in different languages think differently. Sometimes it's hard to find out which way of thought posessed the author at which place.

What shall be correct this time - the 'accuracy' or the 'rephrased sense' in the translation. A question I hate.

And Barmaley, sometimes I myself think that those 3% is fair.

P.S. My political ideas helped me with girls in the past so I got used to them with time
And I've received a PM saying that my avatar is the cutest. I'm not kidding.