Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

By the way, out of 100% (perfect skill) how much would you give me?
I'd say 3%?

Truthfully, probably like 90ish%? It's an incredibly subjective question, so I don't really know how to answer it. You have some crazy political ideas and your icon looks like a dancing booger , but you have a pretty good command and your sentences are typically pretty clear. There is of course some room for improvement (as always) -- in the opening post there are a few grammatical errors (the ones with verbs stand out). The biggest thing though, is just style. You're completely understandable, but just the way you phrase things can sound weird. I think you have exactly the right idea in mind with reading English-publications if that's something you want to address. Still, I'd say you have a very solid command of the language, which is no small task!