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Thread: Need help with some terms and slang expressions

  1. #1
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    Need help with some terms and slang expressions

    As usual, I need help finding English equivalent for some Russian words and phrases.

    капельница This is the thingie you all have seen many times in movies, if not in real life. It is vertical rack/pole to which a vessel(s) with some liquid for IV are fastened (like blood plasma, saline, glycose and vitamin solutions etc) in order to transfuse them at a slow, constant rate into the patient's system. I'd like to know how this thingie is actually called in US hospitals. (And, by the way, don't try to feed me answers from Lingvo or whatever is your favorite dictionary—I don't buy answers from bilingual dictionaries, they lie too often ).

    Btw, here is a picture of that thingie

    1. зараза к заразе не пристаёт -- this expression has a range of uses and meanings, depending on the context. It means, in a very literal translation, "an infection won't affect another infection", but could be figuratively translated as "a kettle can't be smeared by a pot", or "a pest can't affect a pest" etc (just off the top of my head). The Russian expression has a distinctly humorous sound, and is typically used, for example, when you visit a friend who is down with flue or something and someone warns you not to come to near lest you catch it from him/her; in such a situation, you could reply "Да ладно, зараза к заразе не пристаёт".
    Are there similar colloquial/slang expressions in English?

    2. Инфекционное отделение -- a section in a hospital, often an isolated building, where people with infectious diseases are kept to prevent the infection from spreading. Would "Isolation unit" be an appropriate translation?

    3. горе моё луковое — a jocular form of address to someone (usually a child) to whom something bad happened (or to whom something bad happens too often). It could be roughly translated as "my poor boy/girl", but the Russian expression often implies a touch of irony or displeasure.

    4. What do you say when you think someone is asking for too much or makes unreasonable demands? In Russian we have expressions like "А рожа/попа у тебя не треснет?", "А может, тебе ещё ключ от квартиры, где деньги лежат?", "У, губищу раскатал, закатай обратно". All of them mean, basically, "I think you want (or are asking for) more than is reasonable". What would an Amercan say in such a case?

    5. рука в говне A rhyming reply (pretty rude) to the question "А мне"?
    For example, you are giving out something to a number of people--"This is for Yura, this is for Lena, this is for Oleg"--and leave one of them out. This last person can ask you "А мне?" ("and (what will you give) to me?"). If you feel mean and want hurt him/her, you can answer "У тебя рука в говне". In essence, you say "And you f*ck off". What do Amercan schoolboy/girls say in such a situation?

    6. Обманули дурака на четыре кулака (Mostly used by childred). Used in sutuations when you have successfully played a prank/practical joke on someone and then inform this person that s/he has been taken in like a fool :P.

    That's all, folks (For now, at least).

  2. #2
    DDT is offline
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    The answer to капельница.
    I just asked my sister who works in the lab at a hospital drawing blood. She says that they just call it "the IV pole".
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    DDT is offline
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    2. Инфекционное отделение

    She says that where she works they only have rooms that are isolated. They are just called "Isolation Rooms".
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    The answer to капельница.
    I just asked my sister who works in the lab at a hospital drawing blood. She says that they just call it "the IV pole".
    Yay! You da man!

    I have just googled for "IV pole", got a lot of relevant matches, so this expressions in indeed widely used.

  5. #5
    ST is offline
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    а в Лингво это таки "dropper". Неужели правда врет?
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    а в Лингво это таки "dropper". Неужели правда врет?
    Уж поверь мне. Я занимаюсь переводами несколько лет. Двуязычному словарю никогда нельзя полностью доверять. Тем более при переводе профессиональной лексики. Всегда нужно проверять по толковым словарям/энциклопедиям/справочникам того языка, на который переводишь.

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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    а в Лингво это таки "dropper". Неужели правда врет?
    Уж поверь мне. Я занимаюсь переводами несколько лет. Двуязычному словарю никогда нельзя полностью доверять. Тем более при переводе профессиональной лексики. Всегда нужно проверять по толковым словарям/энциклопедиям/справочникам того языка, на который переводишь.
    А кто сказал, что словарь даёт именно то, что тебе нужно в данный момент? Мои учителя по переводу всегда говорили, что словарь даёт только направление течения мысли переводчика, а не готовые варианты, и я с этим стопроцентно согласен.

    Посмотрел англо-английские словари: все как один говорят, что dropper - это пипетка. Вывод: не верьте "Лингве"! :P
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    А кто сказал, что словарь даёт именно то, что тебе нужно в данный момент?
    Не понял, а с чем именно ты споришь?

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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    А кто сказал, что словарь даёт именно то, что тебе нужно в данный момент?
    Не понял, а с чем именно ты споришь?
    Я про дефиниции, нужную из которых не всегда удаётся подобрать.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  10. #10
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    Это случается, а кто говорит, что нет? Но случается и так, что перевод в принципе неправильный или устаревший. Потому и следует обращаться к справочникам/словарям языка, на который переводишь.

    Но, вообще-то, боюсь, что оставшиеся вопросы мне придётся перепостить.... тут мы совершенно сбились с курса.

  11. #11
    DDT is offline
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    Re: Need help with some terms and slang expressions

    Quote Originally Posted by

    5. рука в говне A rhyming reply (pretty rude) to the question "А мне"?
    For example, you are giving out something to a number of people--"This is for Yura, this is for Lena, this is for Oleg"--and leave one of them out. This last person can ask you "А мне?" ("and (what will you give) to me?"). If you feel mean and want hurt him/her, you can answer "У тебя рука в говне". In essence, you say "And you f*ck off". What do Amercan schoolboy/girls say in such a situation?
    The only thing that I can think of for this is. "Too bad, so sad." I am not sure how many kids still say this though.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    6. Обманули дурака на четыре кулака (Mostly used by childred). Used in sutuations when you have successfully played a prank/practical joke on someone and then inform this person that s/he has been taken in like a fool .
    I don't know about other people, but I'd say "You got owned." And you if you wanna be super cool about it, you can replace "owned" with "pwn3d".

  13. #13
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    Interesting suggestions, thanks, guys, keep them coming :P ... "pwn3d" won't work, though, because it's a movie... But "You got owned, you got owned", repeated twice, will do very nicely I think.

  14. #14
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    интересные вопросы. Я думаю только о ситуации с рождественскими подарками. Если ты не «хороший мальчик» говорим что Santa даст тебе lump of coal. I think that might fit in your situation... And you get a lump of coal... Although there are overtones of Christmas. But otherwise I can't think of a thing.

    I like "dropper" that's a great example of why not to believe general-purpose dictionaries! IV pole is a normal phrase to me, and I'm not even a hospital person. But you also have to bear in mind whether you are talking British English or American. For all I know "dropper" might be perfectly OK in England. I don't speak English.

    "Poor boy" "Poor girl" is probably OK, but you've got to say it with a particular intonation. Sort of like you are falling off a cliff as you are uttering the word "poor" ---\ _. lotsa luck with that graphic.

    6. Fooled you! Fooled you!
    pronounced фулђа

    (Take that! in Cyrillic! wanted to indicate that /j/ is not /д/ + /ж/)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by saibot
    6. Обманули дурака на четыре кулака (Mostly used by childred). Used in sutuations when you have successfully played a prank/practical joke on someone and then inform this person that s/he has been taken in like a fool .
    I don't know about other people, but I'd say "You got owned." And you if you wanna be super cool about it, you can replace "owned" with "pwn3d".
    MWAHAHA. Hahahahahahahaha...

    You know what I'm thinking. XD
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  16. #16
    ST is offline
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    чтоб не плодить зря ветку-спрошу тут....
    а как будет по английски "быдло" и "общечеловеческие ценности"?
    (первое если верить лингве-cattle, но что то сомнительно как то)
    The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.

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    А мне нужна "нитка родства", желательно "тонкая"
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    What's a "тонкая нитка родства"?
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