Hi everybody!

Люди!!!!! ОЧЕНЬ срочно надо перевести предложение!
У меня вообще довольно большой текст с разной ненормативной лексико, but I understood and could do everything, except this sentence......

Plese..... It's rathere late here (about 1.00 AM) and I should do it till morning.
Please, if you have variants of the translation - you are welcome!

Thankx every boby, who help me!
Undoubtedly, you are THE BEST!

And now the sentence.

Users should note that they are only affected if they are at present paying into a bank in the States where banks are being changed.

Пользователи только вредят себе, если сейчас они платят в банк в округе, где банки будут изменены.

Я поняла какую-то несуразицу. So, I'm confused.......

I'm waiting for the answers, please!