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Thread: Fall

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I wrote an article about fall. Unfortunately, I can't translate it in
    English because I can't transmit that mood and these=>thouse(?) visual images
    what I had in mind, when I was writing an article. I hope this
    article helps you to understand and to feel better Russia, Russian
    culture and Russian language. You can also download an audio file to
    this article from the link (434 Kb)

    By the way, would you tell me about a couple of your (favoruite) poems
    about fall in English literature? I'd like to read it=> ones...

    ================================================== ========================

    Это слово порождает в моей памяти множество ассоциаций. Это и бескрайние
    поля до самого горизонта с вызревшим золотом хлебов, налитые колосья
    пшеницы. Это и оранжевая листва деревьев, покрытая позолотой. Приятно
    бродить по лесу под кронами вековых исполинов, шурша опавшей листвой под
    ногами, и слушать ленивые трели птиц.

    Осень - это перерыв, отдых от порядком надоевшего жаркого и знойного лета.
    Это время приятной умеренной погоды: когда не повеяло еще холодом зимы и
    еще ласково тепло днем. Для меня осень - это и раннее утро, холодная заря,
    когда красное солнце не спеша начинает свой путь по небосводу. Это и дымка
    утреннего тумана, простирающаяся до изгиба реки. Это и обильная роса на
    траве, которую ты сбиваешь резиновыми сапогами, оставляя темно-зеленый
    след за собой. Это и паутинки на лице... Ты только-только открыл дверь
    своего дома, еще не вышел за околицу, а они уже тут как тут, мягко ложатся
    на кожу... Чуть погодя, когда солнце поднимется выше, его лучи будут касаться
    ближайшей рощи, самых верхушек крон... И здесь память заботливо преподносит
    фразу, точнейшим образом описывающее происходящее: "А солнце уже золотит
    верхушки деревьев". Конечно, такое красивое время года не могло остаться
    без внимания поэтов, и первое, что приходит на ум - это строчки об осени
    нашего гения, великого русского поэта Александра Сергеевича Пушкина
    (отрывок из стихотворения "Осень"):

    Унылая пора! Очей очарованье!
    Приятна мне твоя прощальная краса -
    Люблю я пышное природы увяданье,
    В багрец и в золото одетые леса,
    В их сенях ветра шум и свежее дыханье,
    И мглой волнистою покрыты небеса,
    И редкий солнца луч, и первые морозы,
    И отдаленные седой зимы угрозы.

    Наверное, у каждого из нас в далеких-далеких уголках его души отыщутся
    свои собственные воспоминания, образы и звуки этого времени года.
    Поиграйтесь с ними, переживите их еще, сравните с сегодняшней осенью...
    Ведь каждая осень приносит в нашу жизнь что-то новое, неизведанное,
    никогда не испытанное прежде.

    ================================================== ========================

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    You spelled one word wrong down at the it didn't go through the translator.But here you go!

    This word generates set of associations in my memory. It and boundless
    Fields up to the horizon with the ripened gold of the breads, the juicy ears
    Wheats. It and the orange foliage of trees covered by gilding. Pleasantly
    To wander on a scaffold under crones of century giants, rustling with the fallen down foliage under
    Legs and to listen to lazy trills of birds.

    The fall is a break, rest from order of the bothered hot and hot summer.
    This time of the pleasant moderate weather: when not повеяло still a cold of winter and
    Feel free to go anywhere you like but remember, your NEVER alone.....

  3. #3
    DDT is offline
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    My head is bonking!
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  4. #4
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    Never use online translators as a means of ruling the world.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    My head is bonking!
    Perhaps reading some more poetry will help you
    Please correct my mistakes if you can, especially article usage.
    My avatar shall be the author I'm currently reading.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    You spelled one word wrong down at the it didn't go through the translator.But here you go!
    Yes. This text in English is one of the versions of translate. And I hope the translator helped to understand a sense a little bit. But I think it's almost impossible to translate in English the phrases like "поля, с вызревшим золотом хлебов", "дымка утреннего тумана, простирающегося до изгиба реки", "пышное природы увяданье" and so on... Am I wrong and somebody can do it? In that case please do it. It will be interesting.

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Re: Fall

    Quote Originally Posted by astronomer
    Unfortunately, I can't translate it to English because I can't transmit the mood and the visual images that I had in mind, when I was writing the article. I hope this article helps you to better ("better" refers to the verbs, so it should be here in the sentence) understand and to feel Russia, Russian culture and Russian language. You can also download an audio file of this article from the link (434 Kb)

    By the way, would you tell me about a couple of your (favourite) poems
    about fall in English literature? I'd like to read them... (Or: "I'd like to read some", if you just mean you want to read any poems at all about autumn).
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  8. #8
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    Re: Fall

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Quote Originally Posted by astronomer
    Unfortunately, I can't translate it to English because I can't transmit the mood and the visual images that I had in mind, when I was writing the article. I hope this article helps you to better ("better" refers to the verbs, so it should be here in the sentence) understand and to feel Russia, Russian culture and Russian language. You can also download an audio file of this article from the link (434 Kb)

    By the way, would you tell me about a couple of your (favourite) poems
    about fall in English literature? I'd like to read them... (Or: "I'd like to read some", if you just mean you want to read any poems at all about autumn).
    Понял, спасибо!

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    You spelled one word wrong down at the it didn't go through the translator.But here you go!
    What is your point? Copypaste the Russian text to, press the button and copypaste result back? Doesn't it ( result ) looks somewhat strange for you? e.g. "foliage under legs" ?
    Russian is tough, let’s go shopping!

  10. #10
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    Re: Fall

    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Quote Originally Posted by astronomer
    Unfortunately, I can't translate it into English because I can't relate the mood and the visual images that I had in mind, when I was writing the article. I hope this article helps you to better ("better" refers to the verbs, so it should be here in the sentence) understand and to feel Russia, Russian culture and Russian language. You can also download an audio file of this article from the link (434 Kb)

    By the way, would you tell me about a couple of your (favourite) poems
    about fall in English literature? I'd like to read them... (Or: "I'd like to read some", if you just mean you want to read any poems at all about autumn).
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
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  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Fall

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    Unfortunately, I can't translate it into English because I can't relate the mood and the visual images that I had in mind, when I was writing the article.
    Поправка на поправленную поправку занесена в каталог поправок!
    TATY, спасибо!

    By the way I found in the dictionary the phrase like the one above:

    translate into
    1) переводить ( на какой-л. язык ) Please translate this passage into good English. — Пожалуйста, сделайте литературный перевод этого абзаца на английский язык.

    So everything is correct. Anyway I have a question: are both these versions correct? I mean the versions "translate to English" and "translate into English" or only one of them is correct?

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Any language is a proper noun as well as 1. inanimate 2. an abstract concept, so 'into' is more grammatically correct.
    Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
    Any language is a proper noun as well as 1. inanimate 2. an abstract concept, so 'into' is more grammatically correct.
    "Translate into English" is the correct construction. [/b]
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

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