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Thread: Examining a recoding

  1. #1
    kib is offline
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    Examining a recoding

    Hi to everyone!
    Here's a recording in English and I want to know if the announcers are native speakers. They speak pretty good and, I suppose, British English, but I heard some other recordings from the British council, and found that they are different from it. In addition to that a female announcer made a mistake in the words "salsa" and mixed up the stresses in the word "workaholic".

    1.mp3 [527.34KB] :: ссылки на файл на

    the British council
    English Listening | LearnEnglish | British Council | Series 03 Episode 01

    I really need to know, whether the announcers are native speakers or not, so I would appreciate you very much for your help.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
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  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    I cannot listen to your sample right now, becasue there's no audio in my work computer, but judging from my own listening experience - you would not probably believe it, but native English speakers can do awful mistakes in their speech, even if it is for the record. I was quite shocked when I discovered this.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  3. #3
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    but native English speakers can do awful mistakes in their speech, even if it is for the record. I was quite shocked when I discovered this.
    Yeah, that's very strange, because it's always possible to re-record.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
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  4. #4
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    That clip sounds like a recording of a group of ESL students practising their American accents and trying to sound like native speakers, but failing.

    I don't hear much wrong with "workaholic" though. Where do you expect the stress to fall?

  5. #5
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by zedeeyen View Post
    I don't hear much wrong with "workaholic" though. Where do you expect the stress to fall?с%20английского/
    Thank you for your answer.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
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  6. #6
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kib View Post
    Hi to everyone!
    Here's a recording in English and I want to know if the announcers are native speakers. They speak pretty good and, I suppose, British English, but I heard some other recordings from the British council, and found that they are different from it. In addition to that a female announcer made a mistake in the words "salsa" and mixed up the stresses in the word "workaholic".

    1.mp3 [527.34KB] :: ссылки на файл на

    the British council
    English Listening | LearnEnglish | British Council | Series 03 Episode 01

    I really need to know, whether the announcers are native speakers or not, so I would appreciate you very much for your help.
    Grrrr.... Kib, I'm the one on this forum that Doesn't read write or speak any Russian so I'm having a really hard time downloading your link. I did however listen to the entire 10 minute Series 03 Episode 01 of Tess and Ravi and I didn't hear anything wrong with what they pronounced.

    I also looked over the Website and as this is done by the BBC, my guess is that they would use REAL native British speakers. You have to understand that just like Americans... Brits have MANY different accents.

    You can write to them if you like and have them answer any questions. Either email them Contact us | LearnEnglish | British Council or on FaceBook Elementary Podcasts | British Council | Facebook
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  7. #7
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    Grrrr.... Kib, I'm the one on this forum that Doesn't read write or speak any Russian so I'm having a really hard time downloading your link. I did however listen to the entire 10 minute Series 03 Episode 01 of Tess and Ravi and I didn't hear anything wrong with what they pronounced.

    I also looked over the Website and as this is done by the BBC, my guess is that they would use REAL native British speakers. You have to understand that just like Americans... Brits have MANY different accents.

    You can write to them if you like and have them answer any questions. Either email them Contact us | LearnEnglish | British Council or on FaceBook Elementary Podcasts | British Council | Facebook
    I'm sorry I've really left that out of account. It is the first link what is for examination, the second is the model I gave it for comparing.
    As I understood you didn't download the first link. Maybe I'll try to describe what you should to do to download it.

    1. Look at the three red lines and click on the lowest one with the word "скачать"
    2. A little below you can see the two green rectangles, click on the right one
    3. finally write the code, click on the green button and wait one minute.

    Thank you for your help.
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
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  8. #8
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kib View Post
    I'm sorry I've really left that out of account. It is the first link what is for examination, the second is the model I gave it for comparing.
    As I understood you didn't download the first link. Maybe I'll try to describe what you should to do to download it.

    1. Look at the three red lines and click on the lowest one with the word "скачать"
    2. A little below you can see the two green rectangles, click on the right one
    3. finally write the code, click on the green button and wait one minute.

    Thank you for your help.
    NOW, I understand! Thanks for the instructions!! Okay, I'm a native US speaker and I can tell you that these folks are NOT UK native speakers and I seriously doubt they are native US speakers either. They both pronounce "salsa" incorrectly. The expressions they are using, are sooooo out of date.... "crazy" give me a break. And their inflections on a number of words are not correct either.
    Where ever you found this... stay away.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  9. #9
    kib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    NOW, I understand! Thanks for the instructions!! Okay, I'm a native US speaker and I can tell you that these folks are NOT UK native speakers and I seriously doubt they are native US speakers either. They both pronounce "salsa" incorrectly. The expressions they are using, are sooooo out of date.... "crazy" give me a break. And their inflections on a number of words are not correct either.
    Where ever you found this... stay away.
    Thank you again!
    Я изучаю английский язык и поэтому делаю много ошибок. Но я не прошу Вас исправлять их, Вы можете просто ткнуть меня носом в них, или, точнее, пихнуть их мне в глаза. I'm studying English, and that's why I make a lot of mistakes. But I do not ask you to correct them, you may just stick my nose into them or more exactly stick them into my eyes.
    Всё, что не делается, не всегда делается к лучшему
    Но так же не всегда всё, что не делается, не делается не к худшему. : D

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