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Thread: "drink too much alcohol"

  1. #21
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    another word for an alcoholic, or someone who drinks too much is a lush.
    the next day, you'll have the cocktail flu. (hangover)
    you can say that someone who is drunk is "lit up like a christmas tree"

  2. #22
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tu-160
    I remembered one thing. In my university group my friends, when they want to say about somebody that he drunk much alcohol, they say simply "он синий", "мы синие" etc. I never heard this term in other places, so I'm wondering, have somebody of Russian users heard such expression?
    You can say that in German too. (Das ist eine blaue Frau, as Herr Denny likes to say)
    Эдмунд Ричардович Вудфилд

  3. #23
    Почётный участник
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    i just say, " i got drunk off of my as*"
    her:"yah hachoo.."
    Me:....."BLESS YOU"

  4. #24
    Увлечённый спикер
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    What about the Jewish (Yiddish?) term that Mel Brooks uses in "Robin Hood Men in Tights": Fershnikket (sp?)

  5. #25
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tu-160
    I remembered one thing. In my university group my friends, when they want to say about somebody that he drunk much alcohol, they say simply "он синий", "мы синие" etc. I never heard this term in other places, so I'm wondering, have somebody of Russian users heard such expression?
    Just found this old post.
    Tu-160:"Синими" некоторые не в меру активные любители марихуаны называют алкоголиков. "Синька" или "Синий" — алкоголь на их жаргоне. В переводе "Властелина колец" Гоблина Гэндальф говорит: "Не, с синим я завязал".
    BTW, "Белый" = кокаин.
    If 'munchies' ("хавчик", "на хавчик пробило") means when you want eat a lot, then I also wonder how the situation is called in English when you feel fear or panic after smoking a weed or something. In Russian it is "измена", "сесть на измену".

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