another word for an alcoholic, or someone who drinks too much is a lush.
the next day, you'll have the cocktail flu. (hangover)
you can say that someone who is drunk is "lit up like a christmas tree"
another word for an alcoholic, or someone who drinks too much is a lush.
the next day, you'll have the cocktail flu. (hangover)
you can say that someone who is drunk is "lit up like a christmas tree"
You can say that in German too. (Das ist eine blaue Frau, as Herr Denny likes to say)Originally Posted by Tu-160
Эдмунд Ричардович Вудфилд
i just say, " i got drunk off of my as*"
her:"yah hachoo.."
Me:....."BLESS YOU"
What about the Jewish (Yiddish?) term that Mel Brooks uses in "Robin Hood Men in Tights": Fershnikket (sp?)![]()
Just found this old post.Originally Posted by Tu-160
Tu-160:"Синими" некоторые не в меру активные любители марихуаны называют алкоголиков. "Синька" или "Синий" — алкоголь на их жаргоне. В переводе "Властелина колец" Гоблина Гэндальф говорит: "Не, с синим я завязал".
BTW, "Белый" = кокаин.
If 'munchies' ("хавчик", "на хавчик пробило") means when you want eat a lot, then I also wonder how the situation is called in English when you feel fear or panic after smoking a weed or something. In Russian it is "измена", "сесть на измену".
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