0. Can anyoune give me the two or three contexts for the phrase "found himself".
I know the two following contexts yet:
a) He found himself in the water (Он очутился в воде)
b) She found herself in the rabbit's hole (This phrase is from the book
"Alice in the Wonderland"). (Она оказалась в кроличьей норе)
1. If I say in English "They have been going to the pool", does it be
translate like "Они _пошли_ в бассейн". As I say
"They was going to the pool", it would be translate as "Они шли в
"Thay went to the pool" => "Они пришли в бассейн".
Anyway I don't know what is the correct version.
If my first versions is not correct, what is the correct translation?
I can say the other phrases in Russian with a similar sense:
"Они пошли в квартиру, где произошло убийство", "Они пошли в университет",
"Они пошли к себе домой" etc.
2. As I understand, articles doesn't usually _use_in the titles of
articles in newspapers... Or some exceptions exist? I'd like to know, e.g.
would it be correct, if I'll write the phrases like "A bunch of
questions", "An offer", "A couple of things" in a subject of message or
in a title of article.
3. I would like to knowwhy if Russians go into the toilet
and do something insideit calls "по-маленькому" или "по-большому"...
And, I think, it is logically(?), but why I should say "Number one" or
"Number two" in English?
4. The speed limit in the U.S. is 55 mph. Do the all states respect this
speed limit or there are exists states where I can drive faster that 55
mph? By the way, what is the speed limit in cities? Besides, the Russian
speed limit is 60 kmph(?).