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Thread: Почему Вы хотите жить в России?

  1. #41
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    Re: Почему Вы хотите жить в России?

    Большой привет всем !
    Почему я хочу... потому что я из Сербии, потому что очень люблю братями и сестры, и самое главное, потому что очень люблю одну девушку из России, котора найлучша девушка в мире !!!
    Еще раз большой, большой привет, и извините за мой плохой русски язык.

  2. #42
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    Re: Почему Вы хотите жить в России?

    Quote Originally Posted by Горанн
    Большой привет всем!
    Почему я хочу... потому что я из Сербии, потому что очень люблю братьев и сестёр, и, самое главное, потому что очень люблю одну девушку из России, которая найлучшая девушка в мире!!!
    Еще раз большой, большой привет, и извините за мой плохой русский язык.

  3. #43
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    Re: Почему Вы хотите жить в России?

    Спасибо Звездочёт !

  4. #44
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Russian society has to change. And otherwise it will be a lot of problems. I think some problems has already begun!

    Eventually more foreign people will go to our country)

  5. #45
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    ooops. miss-click on report)
    You may correct me!)

  6. #46
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    Russia is very bad country. There's many stupid things. Your brain will be broken and you'll say: "Oh my god! There's a lot of problems. I don't want to live in this country! Please somebody take me back!".

    I'm seriously.

  7. #47
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    Venje, it could be worse, like in Zimbabwe or North Korea, so we're pretty lucky
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  8. #48
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    I am not sure. We see the living conditions in N.Korea as the most extreme ones, but those, who was born there, possible are quite happy.
    On other side, a life in Russia is deteriorating almost for 4 decades, and no hope for noticeable enhancements on the horizon. Nothing left to be proud of, and the possibility of oil prices collapse is really scary. It could be fatal for the state without industry.
    Though, oil money does not benefit a lot too. "Воруют..."

  9. #49
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    the state without industry
    An interestinc cliché, totally unfounded, of course, but interesting... Media's doing its job, after all.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  10. #50
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    There's nothing to be proud, of course, since we're comparing formerly superpower with Zimbabwe. Concerning NK I think that citizens are happy because they were ordered to be happy (if you don't know what I mean). We can be sad at least
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  11. #51
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delog View Post
    There's nothing to be proud, of course, since we're comparing formerly superpower with Zimbabwe. Concerning NK I think that citizens are happy because they were ordered to be happy (if you don't know what I mean). We can be sad at least
    Lol. Your link reminds me the story from my childhood. When Brezhnev died I was 5 y.o. kid in kindergarden. That day our governess hanged his big photo on the wall in a black frame and ordered us "to sit still and don't make any noise". I accidentally laughed later that day and was put in a corner for this.
    hrfernanda and Serge_spb like this.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  12. #52
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    I think that considering that people in the NK or the USSR were/are happy because they were "ordered" to to be, is a bit of oversimplification. It adds to the stereotype that people in so called dictatorships are nothing but scared sheep, which is sad. I do not agree that people in the late USSR were terribly oppressed or scared. The ideological press was there, and people believed in things that could seem naive or wrong now, but they were not brainless drones.
    Lol. Your link reminds me the story from my childhood. When Brezhnev died I was 5 y.o. kid in kindergarden. That day our governess hanged his big photo on the wall in a black frame and ordered us "to sit still and don't make any noise". I accidentally laughed later that day and was put in a corner for this.
    Lol. I can believe that. It was not state policy to make little boys sad, though, it's your 'governess' had weird ideas about what was appropriate in a day like this. Особый подвид "тетка дубовая". )))

    I remember an episode a few years after Brezhnev's death. I was in the 1st or 2nd grade and me and my friend told popular jokes ("anecdotes") about late Brezhnev (including classics about "письки сосиськи" and "кому сиськи" ). We were laughing loudly and were making quite a racket. And then it turned out that our teacher (a stern and scary one) was withing earshot the whole time, she was literally behind our backs. I remember being scared that she'd berate us (the jokes were both political and vulgar), or would tell my parents about that, or would give me a bad mark or something. She pretended she had not heard anything. Go figure... (and she was very "ideologically correct").
    Hanna likes this.

  13. #53
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    An interestinc cliché, totally unfounded, of course, but interesting... Media's doing its job, after all.
    Can you tell any "product", made in Russia, for what you wouldn't grudge your money?
    And satellites are falling and falling and falling...

  14. #54
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Can you tell any "product", made in Russia, for what you wouldn't grudge your money?
    Well, probably not some assembled products, but stuff like the steel is still competitive. However, it's obvious there's some work involved to produce that. There has to be some modernizations, maintenance, care for the specialists, etc. Of course, the governing bodies couldn't care less as long as there are raw materials to sell which require even less investments. But, don't worry about the oil/natural gas prices too much. As soon as that goes down, the local governing bodies would realize that Moscow could give them even less in return than today, so the separatism sentiments would grow a way more than today. The central governing bodies would have to do something practical, so the situation with production could turn out for better.

  15. #55
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Can you tell any "product", made in Russia, for what you wouldn't grudge your money?
    And satellites are falling and falling and falling...
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  16. #56
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Bwahaha! Site is awesome! But concerning your search query, I think this picture speaks for itself:
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  17. #57
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  18. #58
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    Постоянное движение народов. Эмигрируют из одной страны в другую и приживаются, кто как, по-разному.

    Есть такие, которые возращаются домой. Об этом можно здесь почитать: Эмигранты возвращаются в
    и здесь: Айтишники-эмигранты возвращаются в

    Интересный рассказ одного вернувшегося: Издательский дом
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  19. #59
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
    Lol. Your link reminds me the story from my childhood. When Brezhnev died I was 5 y.o. kid in kindergarden. That day our governess hanged his big photo on the wall in a black frame and ordered us "to sit still and don't make any noise". I accidentally laughed later that day and was put in a corner for this.

    There is a great story from cynical memoirs of one man who used to be a police officer during those days:
    Еще не понимая, что за этим кроется, начинаю ржать на тему того, что якобы «Брежнев помер». Иванов смотрит
    на меня, как на идиота, и вполголоса говорит, что так оно и есть.

    Официальное сообщение о смерти генсека объявляют по электронным СМИ только утром следующего дня.
    Страна скорбит.

    Матерятся все. Каждый по-своему.
    Я тоже.

    Через неделю у меня отпуск и через десять дней начало срока путевки в МВДшный дом отдыха в Анапе. А отпуска отменены до неопределенного срока.

    Всех офицеров милиции распределяют по перекресткам основных улиц для обеспечения в нужное время остановки автотранспорта на время молчания.
    Мне достается перекресток проспекта Народного Ополчения и улицы Счастливой. Неподалеку проходит железнодорожная линия с Балтийского вокзала. Она еще не отгорожена от проспекта торговыми и хозяйственными постройками.

    В нужное время получаю по рации команду приступить к действиям. Выхожу на перекресток, размахивая полосатой палкой.
    Шоферы дисциплинированно останавливаются. Все автомобили, даже дизельные, глушат двигатели.

    И вдруг делается жутко.
    На оживленнейшем и шумнейшем месте наступает полная тишина. Она длится несколько десятков секунд и начинает давить.
    Вдруг на железнодорожном пути начинает гудеть тронувшаяся было от «Ленинского Проспекта» и остановившаяся электричка. Истошно и тоскливо.
    Гудки подхватывают остановившиеся автомашины. Жуткая какофония клаксонов.
    И полный ужас…

    Стрелка на часах показывает, что пора заканчивать. То же самое командует дежурный по рации.

    Делаю несколько разрешающих махов жезлом и убегаю с проезжей части.

    Гудки обрываются, двигатели взревывают и все разъезжаются.
    Юрий Михайлович Лучинский

    Ordered to be sad, LOL )

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    Can you tell any "product", made in Russia, for what you wouldn't grudge your money?
    And satellites are falling and falling and falling...

    • ABBYY products are market leading (software) and Kaspersky.
    • Some other software products, less well known but still very good brands.
    • Furs...
    • Russian craft (traditional) is very nice, I think at least. This could sell for good money abroad if marketed correctly.
    • There is a Russian company that makes e-Reader, forgot the name, but I've seen reviews of it and it seems good.
    • oil & gas......
    • Lada jeep (forgot the real name, but you know which one I mean. It's a good four wheel drive for a good price). I imagine it's made in Russia..

    I don't know why Russians are so negative about their country! Be positive, be pro-active!
    You have oil, gas, rare and precious metals coming out your ears! Europe has hardly none of that. You are lucky! Look at Americans they think their country is much BETTER than it actually is. You think your country is much WORSE than it actually is. The moment you get rid of oligarchs and corruption, Russia will bloom. It's already doing well. Olympics?! You're the only country that can launched a manned space flight! Enough with the negativity!

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