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Thread: washer and dryer

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    But it's a smegging flea market!
    BTW, it's interesting phenomenon to see the same expression in Russian and in English.
    flea market = блошиный рынок
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BETEP
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    But it's a smegging flea market!
    BTW, it's interesting phenomenon to see the same expression in Russian and in English.
    flea market = блошиный рынок
    As far as I know, there are plenty of expressions behaving that way (and beween different languages too). As for flea market, in German it's also the same - floh-markt.
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendy
    As far as I know, there are plenty of expressions behaving that way (and beween different languages too). As for flea market, in German it's also the same - floh-markt.
    Nevertheless, I never heard the same expression in Latgalian or Latvian. Even so а thought about fleas is the first thought when I enter into this kind of markets. The native expression is 'kraamu tirgus'* but many of people use Russian short expressions like 'барахолка', 'блошинник', 'латгальчик'**.

    *kraamu tirgus - базар барахла, барахолка.
    **латгальчик - It's specify only in Riga because the official name of the market is 'Латгальский рынок'. (sounds like Горбушка in Moscow)
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  4. #44
    JB is offline
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    The price for an Electrolux machine at a "proper" Moscow applience store runs about $1000. You can buy some other models at a cheaper price but you'll get cleaner clothes using a rock in the Moscow river.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    The price for an Electrolux machine at a "proper" Moscow applience store runs about $1000.
    Don't go to stores where they charge such outlandish prices. I know this is Moscow and prices *are* outlandish there but even a петербургская крыса like muggins here knows that there are plenty of stores with very down-to-earth prices in Moscow - you have more competition than in St Pete (it is particularly evident if one compares the prices for sat TV equipment in the two cities). Don't go to "mafia money laundromats", go to normal stores. Why do certain Americans seem a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to shopping around?

    Also you can buy all your home appliences over the Internet - it's cheaper that way. (I bought a superb excercise bike with all imaginable bells and whistles (it doesn't do your Wasserman test though) from a web store in St Pete - it set me back only $350 - a similar model was on sale at regular stores starting from $480 - they delivered it at 14:00 sharp, as agreed, the following day.) Besides, unlike Gorbusha, no one expects your money up front, you can always buy it on hire purchase. Very convinient.

    You can buy some other models at a cheaper price but you'll get cleaner clothes using a rock in the Moscow river.
    Have you ever tried any of them? Which model? Are you an expert on washing machines? Do you understand the physics involved? I'd stick to delivering manky babies if I were you. Leave the domain of engineering to those who can read their Smith chart and can tell their transistor from their gun diode.
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  6. #46
    Почётный участник astarz41's Avatar
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    Uhh ok I was just looking at this site and saw these washing machines that say they have "Сушка." Does that mean the clothes comes out completely dry? Please say yes!! If it means what I think it means then my problem is solved
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by astarz41
    Uhh ok I was just looking at this site and saw these washing machines that say they have "Сушка." Does that mean the clothes comes out completely dry? Please say yes!! If it means what I think it means then my problem is solved
    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... NOPE. Want an easy ride, eh? Learn to hand wash and hang dry or perish in the land of bears and rivers of vodka which don't freeze over even during the coldest of Sibirian winters!

    P.S. Dunno about AEG, but my BOSCH spits out my suits completely dry.

    P.P.S. Be nice to Mother Nature - always look for environment-friendly solutions. When buying an applience think about what impact it will make on the environment, what are the potential damages involved.
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  8. #48
    JB is offline
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    Yes, that means dryer. But those are USD prices, ouch! You can get better deals at all those "flea markets" and discount stores that VM doesn't recommend.
    Am I an expert on washing machines? I'm not exactly sure what VM thinks are the requirements for "expert" but people can take advice from whom ever they think has more experience in the laundry room, a woman with a large family or an old bachelor.
    (p.s. the physics of washing clothes is pretty easy and so are the components of the machines involved)
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Yes, that means dryer. But those are USD prices, ouch! You can get better deals at all those "flea markets" and discount stores that VM doesn't recommend.
    Sure, you can always buy the cheap ones there, but I suggest getting a job.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Am I an expert on washing machines? I'm not exactly sure what VM thinks are the requirements for "expert" but people can take advice from whom ever they think has more experience in the laundry room, a woman with a large family or an old bachelor.
    Anyone in their right mind would listen to the bachelor - he has no one to do the laundery for him, therefore he knows all there is to know about it. On the other hand, "a woman with a large family" will know precious little about washing machines unless, of course, her husband is a redneck whose ideas about the social role of women can be summarised as follows - "keep 'em in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant" .

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    (p.s. the physics of washing clothes is pretty easy and so are the components of the machines involved)
    Sure, washing machines are no rocket science, but I bet you don't have even the slightest idea about the complexity of the processes involved. The sheer amount of higher maths used to model even the tiniest nut will most likely knock you sensless. Look at me - I studied that kind of maths year ago and I am still recovering from the shock.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Yes, that means dryer. But those are USD prices, ouch! You can get better deals at all those "flea markets" and discount stores that VM doesn't recommend.
    You get what you pay for. If you want a compact washer/dryer that does a good job (and does not destroy your stuff), it costs money. If you want a huge washer/dryer that does a good a job, it costs more money than the compact one because few people buy those in Russia (and Europe for that matter). If you want a combined washer/dryer, it costs more money. And if you go to your flea market you're going to buy a kind of washer you complained about, that can hardly take one sheet, let alone wash it. But that is entirely your choice.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  11. #51
    Почётный участник astarz41's Avatar
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    Yes, that means dryer. But those are USD prices, ouch!
    Yeah, but the prices aren't *too* bad. Same as here pretty much. So IF I were to live in Russia I'd be able to get a compact washer/dryer for $500 or even less if I can find a used one.

    Sure, you can always buy the cheap ones there, but I suggest getting a job.
    A job isn't going to solve everything. Especially if you're a student. A friend of mine is a lawyer in Piter (he is still in college though) and he makes $300-400 a month(I think!). That is considered pretty good money for a 20 year old student, but he still couldn't buy a washing machine for a month's salary.
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  12. #52
    JB is offline
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    You can buy a used Indesit washer/dryer for around $300-400 but this brand doesn't clean the clothes very well (I have an Indesit washer) and everyone I know who has one is not real excited about the wash results. I get good prices on all my appliances and electronics at Gorbushka (This is a giant indoor mall of electronics and appliance stores, just like those in the US). I shop by brand and look for the best price of the brands I want. Many of the brands sold in the US are available here but some brands offer sizes or features that are more desirable in a Russian home. A regular American sized washer would take up the whole bathroom or half the kitchen in a typical Russian apartment.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  13. #53
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    That's what I am talking about. Indesit isn't really a good brand. Look at Bosch, Siemens or Miele.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by astarz41
    A job isn't going to solve everything. Especially if you're a student. A friend of mine is a lawyer in Piter (he is still in college though) and he makes $300-400 a month(I think!).
    Don't listen to what he says - he's probably too lazy to put in more hours, that's all. $400 is not good for any lawyer, student or not. A junior punk HTML programmer will earn more simply by farting his hours away setting up crappy web pages unless, of course, he's a complete muppet and doesn't know where mega dosh is up for grabs 24/7.

    That is considered pretty good money for a 20 year old student
    You must be joking. $400 a month means you're on the breadline. Unless he's got a cushy number living with his mum that money isn't enough to last a month - think of the rent, all the bills he has to pay, petrol, food, chicks, BRIBES, you name it. When I was a student I used to spend on chicks almost twice as much and I'm a tight git.

    but he still couldn't buy a washing machine for a month's salary.
    That's what hire purchase is there for.
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  15. #55
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    If you are so concerned about doing your own washing by hand I think the best solution would be to ask around and pay someone to do your washing for you. It is cheaper than buying a machine and it gives some nice baba extra cash. I am sure if you pay well you will have no trouble finding someone willing to do your washing. Also better for the environment and provides economic benefits to someone.

  16. #56
    Почётный участник astarz41's Avatar
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    If you are so concerned about doing your own washing by hand I think the best solution would be to ask around and pay someone to do your washing for you. It is cheaper than buying a machine and it gives some nice baba extra cash. I am sure if you pay well you will have no trouble finding someone willing to do your washing. Also better for the environment and provides economic benefits to someone.
    It's not the washing I'm concerned about, it's the drying. It seems though that dryers only come in combination with a washer, so if I were to buy one I'd have to get both. Though having a washer wouldn't be too bad either. I think in the long run a washer/dryer would pay for itself and be more convenient then asking someone to wash your clothes for you.
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  17. #57
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    I hope you realize that baba is an extremely rude male chauvenist pig term for a woman?
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  18. #58
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    I call my grandmother baba. She doesn't seem to mind.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by gitana
    I call my grandmother baba. She doesn't seem to mind.
    What?????? Baba is an extremely rude word. Men use it among themselves when they talk about women in a rude way. Your granny is an odd person if she doesn't mind being called that.

    P.S. Try calling your mum bitch and watch her reaction.
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  20. #60
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    Sorry, VendingMachine, she is partially right. To call one's native grandmother, say, "Baba Masha"or "baba Anya" is very typical to small children in Russia, 'baba' here means 'babushka', and it's okay. Some of them keep calling so their grandmothers in older age as well.

    gitana, VendingMachine is absolutely right that "baba" is a very rude word in all the other cases.

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