Quote Originally Posted by JB
Yes, that means dryer. But those are USD prices, ouch! You can get better deals at all those "flea markets" and discount stores that VM doesn't recommend.
Sure, you can always buy the cheap ones there, but I suggest getting a job.

Quote Originally Posted by JB
Am I an expert on washing machines? I'm not exactly sure what VM thinks are the requirements for "expert" but people can take advice from whom ever they think has more experience in the laundry room, a woman with a large family or an old bachelor.
Anyone in their right mind would listen to the bachelor - he has no one to do the laundery for him, therefore he knows all there is to know about it. On the other hand, "a woman with a large family" will know precious little about washing machines unless, of course, her husband is a redneck whose ideas about the social role of women can be summarised as follows - "keep 'em in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant" .

Quote Originally Posted by JB
(p.s. the physics of washing clothes is pretty easy and so are the components of the machines involved)
Sure, washing machines are no rocket science, but I bet you don't have even the slightest idea about the complexity of the processes involved. The sheer amount of higher maths used to model even the tiniest nut will most likely knock you sensless. Look at me - I studied that kind of maths year ago and I am still recovering from the shock.