Quote Originally Posted by astarz41
Almost everyone in Russia has a washing machine, but what about a dryer?
At the risk of starting another 10 pages of hysteria (), I am 99% certain that this statement is factually incorrect (if by 'more than everyone' you mean something > 70% .. I'd guess it's much less than 50%).

Are they available for the public? When I was there last summer I was forunate enough to have a very nice prachechnaya a block away and they had dryers there. But that was only a temporary solution. And I realllly hate to hang dry my clothes. Is it possible to buy your own dryer? We looked in some appliance stores but didn't see any. I'm asking because in case I get to go to college in Russsia I really can't imagine living with out a dryer.
That's interesting. I'll check in the local stores next time I'm out shopping. I suppose they're much less common here than in the West now, but I'd be amazed if you actually couldn't find one.

As to launderettes (what do you call them? laundromats?) people who come here are always asking why they don't have them in Moscow. I don't know.