"Drevniaia Rus' i Velikaia Step' "

"Old Russia and the Great Steppe". Gumilev's studies of the relationships between Russia and its neighbors, primarily nomads, in the 9th through the 14th centuries (1989).

Annotation: If you can read in Russian, I highly suggest visiting Gumilevica. There you can find many"on-line books and a lot of articles by Lev Nikolayevich Gumiliov, as well as maps, links and all kinds of related materials."

On-line book:"Древняя Русь и Великая степь (Old Russia and the Great Steppe)"

Завершающая книга третьей части "Степной трилогии" опубликованная в конце 1989 г.. Книга посвящена одной из самых сложных и запутанных проблем отечественной истории: взаимоотношениям Древней Руси и ее соседей, главным образом - Хазарскому каганату и кочевников Великой степи.