Quote Originally Posted by benace401
Rostova siad something about ОБЖ , whats that?
That's what Rtyom mentioned - basics of safe life (ОБЖ - Основы Безопасности Жизнедеятельности, sometimes it's called БЖД - Безопасность ЖизнеДеятельности). That's the most stupid subject I'v ever had (we studied it at the University too).
That's political correct name for suject we had in the USSR, which was called "military training" or smth like that. We were instructed to fall on the ground when nuclear bomb falls and learned how to use gas-mask. Later they added infomation on accident prevention and health life. But usually schoolchildren and even other teachers don't take it seriously.

Quote Originally Posted by benace401
Is there a high percetage of students who graduate? Go to college?
Those kids who don't want to enter a University or Institute usually graduate after 9th grade. They go to vocational-technical schools (ПТУ) and colleges. At the times I went to school they believed to be the loosers, so most of kids stayed at school for two more years (till 11th grade) and then continued their education.
There were 24 pupils in my class. 4 of them leaved school after 9th grade to enter colleges or other institutions of that kind, 1 went to jail and 19 enterd the Universities.

Quote Originally Posted by benace401
what sort of sport is most popular?
The most popular is SOCCER!!! And always was. Basketball, volleyball, tennis are wide spread also.

Quote Originally Posted by benace401
what are the biggest misconception that foreiners have about Russians?
May be that all Russians are from russian mafia.