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Thread: Russian humor

  1. #1
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    Russian humor

    Somebody said, 'If you want to understand Russians learn humor'. I have too small time for Russian television now and some jokes (for example КВН) seems to me not so funny (but public applauds them). It's very interesting for me, how much of Russian humor is actual funny for Russian people and people who learn Russian language and culture.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Russian humor

    Quote Originally Posted by BETEP
    Somebody said, 'If you want to understand Russians learn humor'. I have too small time for Russian television now and some jokes (for example КВН) seems to me not so funny (but public applauds them). It's very interesting for me, how much of Russian humor is actual funny for Russian people and people who learn Russian language and culture.
    I would say when people are sitting on that kind of concerts like KBH they are laughing 'cause of "crowd's effect" - everybody laughs
    Yes, there're cool jokes sometimes.
    Think there're much more humour in a routine day
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  3. #3
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    It's difficult for me to evaluate the Russian sense of humour being a Russian citizen myself, but I must say that IMO the British have a most superb sense of humour and their sitcoms and shows really rock. Unfortunately, I can't really say the same about American sitcoms and shows, but that's probably because I tend to get more exposure to British English and culture than American English and culture watching the telly here...
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  4. #4
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    umm...I would say the opposite, I don't really get the British humor. The shows that I watched I didn't really like that much. Maybe again the same thing as you, I'm more exposed to American culture...Oh and I think russian humor rocks, my dad is really funny,lol
    (Таня )

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYgirl3
    umm...I would say the opposite, I don't really get the British humor. The shows that I watched I didn't really like that much.
    Which ones did you watch? My favourite ones are The Fast Show, Perfect World, Red Dwarf, Brittas Empire, Blackadder and what's the name of the one about Mandy, Martin and Mathew, a guy who had a problem with going out - it had me in stitches, especialy Mathew's sarcasm! For those who have seen the last one - my favourite bit is when Clair brings Martin his baby to look after and Mathew, seing her (the baby) for the first time goes 'Oi! No one told me she was a ginger tosser'

    Quote Originally Posted by NYgirl3
    Maybe again the same thing as you, I'm more exposed to American culture...
    Could be.

    It's not that I don't get the American humour, it's just that I tend to find it just a little bit too superfluos for my taste, too much on the surface really, whereas the British humour, again IMHO, is more multilayered if you know what I mean...

    Could you (or anyone else) possibly recommend me any good American sitcoms?
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  6. #6
    JB is offline
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    I can't think of any American sitcoms that would be funny to a Russian. Most of the jokes are based on American culture and life style and would not be funny to anyone who doesn't have experience with this. Of course most of the shows aren't that funny anyway, even to Americans.
    When I'm in Russia I love to watch the TV comercials. They are very clever and very funny. One of my favorites is the coffee comercial where 2 guys are in a cabin buried in snow in the middle of nowhere, dressed in their winter coats drinking coffee. All of a sudden they yell Душ!!! and start ripping off their clothes. One guy runs just outside the door and stands with his arms outstretched. Then the other one slams the door and a giant snow blob falls off the roof onto the guy out side. They switch places but when the second guy slams the door there is no more snow on the roof so the guy outside is looking really upset. Next you see them back in the cabin all dressed and drinking coffee when the guy who didn't get buried in snow says "Tomorrow I get to be first."
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    I can't think of any American sitcoms that would be funny to a Russian. Most of the jokes are based on American culture and life style and would not be funny to anyone who doesn't have experience with this.
    Yeah, right, which makes them soooooo different from those British ones, sure... How come the British sitcoms are so funny (to me) then? I don't even live in the UK... The thing is that I do understand what people find funny about American sitcoms it's just that it doesn't make me laugh - it's like listening to a bunch of kindergarten kids telling jokes, really... I fear it's the lowest common denominator at work here again... Or maybe it's because we don't get the good ones over here.... I wish someone could name some titles...
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  8. #8
    JB is offline
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    I watched Sex in the City in Moscow last week. But even though I think it's the funniest sitcom on American TV now it really didn't come out funny in the Russian translation.
    Also saw the The Lord of the Rings DVD that has the translation and sound track dubbed over in Russian by some guy named Gremlin or Goblin(? not sure about the name of the guy). The translation was a spoof of the movie with a Russian rock music soundtrack. Now that was VERY funny.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  9. #9
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    American comedy writers aren't keen on taking risks, but they write very slick comedies.
    I don't know if it counts, being a cartoon, but I think the Simpsons has been the best thing to come out of American TV in the last 10-15 years. Things like 'Friends', 'Frasier' are very watchable too but hardly earth-shattering.

    The best thing to come out of British comedy recently, I think, is 'the Office' .. recently won some kind of award in the US ('Golden Globes'?). But I haven't watched much TV in the last 5 years.
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  10. #10
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    OMG My favorite comedy show is Friends and I read a translation into russian and they totally misinterpreted most of the jokes, to the point where they're not even funny...I gotta admit that I mostly watch dramas or reality shows on TV, because comedies are filled with what I would call "cheap shots". Meaning all they want is laughs, even if the jokes aren't that funny...I still love Friends though
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    I watched Sex in the City in Moscow last week. But even though I think it's the funniest sitcom on American TV now it really didn't come out funny in the Russian translation.
    Actually, I do not watch English/American/Australian/Canadian/Irish films in Russian, I watch them in English (on the dish). I wasn't discussing sitcoms dubbed into Russian, hell, I don't even watch TV in Russian, I'm not even paying for the aerial anymore, I unsubscribed cos I hate terristrial and the local cable is cr@p and I want to watch stuff in a variaty of languages, I hear enough of Russian during the day.

    Yes, I've seen Sex and the City. Mildly boring, but, of course, tastes differ..

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Also saw the The Lord of the Rings DVD that has the translation and sound track dubbed over in Russian by some guy named Gremlin or Goblin(? not sure about the name of the guy). The translation was a spoof of the movie with a Russian rock music soundtrack. Now that was VERY funny.
    The imbecil's name is Goblin. Now that was VERY STUPID. I couldn't quite understand why on Earth they had that Rammstein's soundrack, Die Sonne, in that scene there - as long as my minimalistic German (been studying it for almost 2 weeks now) is telling me correctly the lines

    Hier kommt die Sonne,
    Hier kommt die Sonne,
    Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
    Und wird nie vom Himmel fallen, etc
    (sorry if I mixed up a case ending or two)

    are a little bit too upbeat for the dark and gloom of the orcs' caves... now that was really silly.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYgirl3
    OMG My favorite comedy show is Friends and I read a translation into russian and they totally misinterpreted most of the jokes
    I wasn't talking about sitcoms dubbed into Russian. Actually, I watch all British/American stuff in English only and tend to find the quality gags/cheap shots ratio a lot higher for British sitcoms... Alas, so far no one has produced a good list of nice American sitcoms. Pity.

    BTW, I've remembered the name of that sitcom about Mandy, Mart and Mathew - it's 'Game On'.

    IMO, British humour should be exported like some good French cheese or wine, the Americans, on the contrary, don't stand a chance with their cheap plonker .... Plonker, eh? Whaddaya think about that, Rodney...
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  13. #13
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    The Simpsons rock. I really like them. You see, I never said that I disliked all American comedies, cos there are some I do like. The Simpsons and South Park immediately spring to mind. But while I can quote for hours on end from a variety of British sitcoms, I can only name one or two mildly funny American ones. Sure, there's plenty of rather cheap British stuff around (such toss as Gimme Gimme Gimme for instance, where only the Borstal screw Fingers was a more or less solid character), yet, on a broader scale, the British sitcoms tend to be on a noticeably higher plain. Of course, this is only my opinion. It could be that I've never seen any really good American sitcoms, that's why I asked for a list of things to watch...
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  14. #14
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    I love British comedy, and the Simpsons is great. It actually shows the writers have a bit of intelect and a massive amount of humor to complement it. My English-Lit teacher refers back to it all the time.

    I was watching some american show in Russian the other day, my cousin recorded some stuff off his dish, it was really sad, not an ounce of humor came through. Although, even in english it isn't all that funny.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tambakis
    I was watching some american show in Russian the other day, my cousin recorded some stuff off his dish, it was really sad, not an ounce of humor came through.
    Well, congratulations, Tambakis! You certainly have made some progress, you have! A few weeks ago you were telling us you were only setting out to study Russian, and now you're watching TV in Russian and commenting on the quality of gags there. Fantastic. Will you lend me your brain to learn German?

    Quite a blow, Jaspertje, innit? Getting some tough competition, eh. Dontcha let us down lad, you must win this language rat race, I've placed all my bets on you...
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  16. #16
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    Oi, will you stop patronising me like that? I can't even get Russian tv. Let's start anew.

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Oi, will you stop patronising me like that?
    Don't you oi me, laddikins.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    I can't even get Russian tv.
    Relax, no one's expecting you to compete with Tambakis, I was only joking. (I believe you can watch Russian TV on the Net...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Let's start anew. Hi, my name is Jasper. Who are you?
    Nice to meet you, Jasper. I'm Vending Machine. BTW, Jasper as in jazz purr or as in я спер?

    P.S. I'm a lot older than you, therefore I can call you Jaspertje if I choose to (at least this version of your name doesn't sound dubious in Russian...) after all I'm Russian and supposed to be rude.
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  18. #18
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    The shows I like that make me laugh are "The Cosby Show" (U.S)and "Mr.Bean".(G.B)
    He is funny, yet he doesn't say much.
    "Yes Minister" (G.B) is also very dry, very sutble and amusing.
    Winston Churchill not renouned as a comedy actor, did have this brilliant reply to a lady M.P who was arguing with him in Parliament.
    M.P"IF I were your wife I would poison your coffee."
    Churchill"If I were your husband, I would drink it!"

  19. #19
    JB is offline
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    Vending Machine,
    Here is a list of American sitcoms that(in English) I find to be funny, smart and clever:
    Sex And The City ( but may be boring if you are not an American female in the age group of the main characters)
    Third Rock From The Sun (the original first 2 seasons)
    Murphy Brown (old and no longer in production, but a classic that you may find somewhere on your dish)
    I Love Lucy (from the 1950's but still popular all over America)
    South Park
    My all time favorite British sitcom = Faulty Towers
    I have only bunny ear antenna on both my TVs in Moscow and the US. Can't afford dish, cable and plane tickets too . So I have a very limited number of TV shows available.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

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    Re: Humour

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheerful
    The shows I like that make me laugh are "The Cosby Show"
    The Cosby Show, eh? Thanks, I'll make a mental note of this one...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheerful
    "Yes Minister" (G.B) is also very dry, very sutble and amusing.
    Not bad, that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheerful
    Winston Churchill not renouned as a comedy actor, did have this brilliant reply to a lady M.P who was arguing with him in Parliament.
    M.P"IF I were your wife I would poison your coffee."
    Churchill"If I were your husband, I would drink it!"
    Yep. And Queen Ann is dead...
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