This here can provide answers to allot of your source request. ... ience.html
Stalins murder rate has been debated by pro-Stalinists but having looked at some of their statistics, much of it is based on things like "well, that's really not murder.
For instance, he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people in the Stalingrad Campaign. The reason is for retreating and things like that. Many pro Stalinists would argue that that isn't murder.
Murder is simply killing someone without a good reason. Simply, the only good reason to kill someone is to protect yourself or someone else's life from them.
Their are those who also claim that many of these events never happened, but their are also those who claim that WW II never happened. In truth, history can not be proven through the laws of science, so you can argue either direction all day, but ultimately, all you have is records to go by and as records show, Stalin was a mass murderer.
I agree entirely.Even despite not being a communist, I find your curator a psychotic and sick minded person. "Soviet Unions Holocaust". And reference your source, please.
Stalin was a murderer, plain and simple.
I myself have had my own experiences this arena, since the barbaric behavior of the Soviet Union didn't stop with Stalin.
When I lived in Alaska, we had Orthodox Christians living near by. They had religious elders, because their priests were murdered by the Soviets just for being priests, and the people living in the village themselves were marked for execution before fleeing.