Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
JB, just don't go telling us that French coffee brewed in LA tastes the same as in France. Tasted both myself. Nothing in common.
Interesting point. If this French cafe JB is talking about is anything like the other cafes in Westwood, I can only assume that their coffee is not the same as real Fench coffee. When the first of the coffee shops opened up in Westwood I was excited thinking that I would then finally be able to get a capuccino. Not so! They don't know how to make one. Oh, they will swear that they make them but what they think is a capuccino is not worth drinking. I think I may have actually had a good one in New York once but that's it. I don't even ask for them anymore.
But to be fair to the lovely cowgirl, I don't know of this French Cafe..........But I do know that you can get a good shot of Makers Mark Whisky at The Hamlet Gardens.