Quote Originally Posted by TATY
Kozlowski is a Polish name.

Ski is a Slavic ending. Lithuanian is not Slavic.

Russian names don't tend to end in -ski. The ones that do are often of Polish origin. Lots, maybe most POlish names end in -Ski, and also in neighoubring Belarus' and Ukraine.

He said his parents came from Russia/Ukraine.
No, no, I understand that. My conjecture was simply that at some point there was a large Polish community in Lithuania, and it followed that such a common name as Kozlovski would be present there -- a Russian who wanted to sound more localized may adopt that variant, since it was from a similar, Slavic language in a place where such a name was normal. That was all. Consider a scenario in which a person in what was then the Louisiana territory in the US would have been named de la Francais, but adopted de la Francia in order to be more "localized" (in this case, to appeal to the Spanish speaking Mexican authorities in Texas). He didn't adopt Frank/Frankman/Frankwhatever. Again, maybe I'm completely off base, but that was just a theory...