Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors

"-ka" is used between lovers, relatives, close friends, in a very friendly atmosphere between colleagues sometimes. a girl hardly will be offended if called "-ka" from not a very familiar person, but it's better to refrain.

But it's ok to call so your woman secretary. "Леночка, принеси чаю, пожалуйста". "Анечка, для меня есть новая почта?"

"-ka" doesn't mean love or intimacy in the ordinary sense.
And some people are too shy to call anyone "-ka".
whoa it's surprising that calling someone just adding -ka gets you Russians shy!

I understand well that -ka nickname is used frequently and usually even between man and woman...

And can I recognize you basically call friends/familiar people with those nicknames originated from the basic name? *except for the unique nicknames, etc. given by your frineds jokingly