Do these nicknames or diminutives of Maria all pretty much have the same connotation? or is one or another more intimate or another more casual?
Do these nicknames or diminutives of Maria all pretty much have the same connotation? or is one or another more intimate or another more casual?
No, they're all different. I'll list all these forms from the most intimate to the most rude.Originally Posted by mashamania
Mashenka is very very nice. You can call so a close friend, your child, your wife, or a person you dislike to make what you say sound cinical.
Mashula, Mashechka mean the same thing. Absolutely.
Masha is quite neutral, but you cannot address "Masha" an adult woman that is not a friend of yours. You use unformal "you" = ti with Masha.
Mariya is formal.
Mashka (Also Man'ka) sound familiar and slightly abusive. But you can call so a close friend of yours if you know she won't get offended.
Life is great and so are you
Thank you! спасибо!Originally Posted by Красота-то какая
Since this is for you fan website, I think you could also call her "Наша Маша" (Nasha Masha) which means "our Masha!" It's kind of catchy sounding (to me at least).Originally Posted by mashamania
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Also then Маша-растеряша![]()
Masha - rasteryasha
It is a delicate and tender way of saying: Masha-who-is-always-losing-things. For silly girls.[/b]
Life is great and so are you
Наша Маша
Yeah, that is a catchy phrase, and easy to cheer! lol![]()
cute lol!![]()
Хороша Маша, да не наша...![]()
Наша Маша горько плачет
Изнасиловали значит!
Our Masha sobs bitterlyOriginally Posted by Chuvak
It means they raped her!??!?![]()
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YesOriginally the verse wasn't cruel
Наша Таня громко плачет
Уронила в речку мячик
Тише, Танечка, не плачь:
Не утонет в речке мяч!
Our Tanya is sobbing bitterly
She has dropped her ball into the river
Cheer up, Tanechka, don't cry
The ball will not go down.
Life is great and so are you
That's one of the very popular poems by famous soviet children's writer Agnia Barto.Yes. Originally the verse wasn't cruel.
Some of these poems gave birth to hundreds of parodies, most of which are rude or indecent.
Наша Таня громко плачет
Уронила в речку мячик
Тише, Танечка, не плачь:
Не утонет в речке мяч!
Наша Таня, типа, плачет -
Уронила, типа, мячик.
Нет бы ей прикинуть, дуре -
Не утонет он, в натуре.
or (мишка=teddy bear):
Уронили мишку на пол,
Оторвали мишке лапу.
Все равно его не брошу,
Потому что он хороший.
Даже если спирт замерзнет
Все равно я пить не брошу
Буду грызть его зубами
Потому что он хороший.
That's the only innocent version of mishka-poem. Other poems about Mishka are so sadistic I don't dare to quote them here.![]()
ExactlyOriginally Posted by Barmaley
Our Masha is sobbing bitterly
Therefore She was raped!!!
Если красавица в рот брать стесняется
Дай ей по печени - пусть покривляется!!!
Наша Маша горько плачет -
Уронила в речку мячик.
Тише, Танечка, не плачь -
А то будешь там где мяч!!!
Семь бед, один Reset
уронила Маша, а попадёт Танечке?Originally Posted by wanja
Life is great and so are you
Wow. These are terrible -- like an even more twisted form of "Joy to the World (the Teacher's Dead!)" This was horribly popular in like fourth grade (set of course to the tune of the religious hymn Joy to the World (the Lord has come):
Joy to the world,
The teacher's dead,
We barbequed her head,
And as for the body,
We flushed it down the potty,
Let Heaven and nature sing, let Heaven and Nature sing...
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
Another version:Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Наша Таня громко плачет
Уронила в речку мячик
Тише, Танечка, не плачь:
Всё равно соседский мяч!
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
Lol, good one. I remember that.Originally Posted by Barmaley
Наша Таня громко плачет,Originally Posted by wanja
Уронила в речку мячик.
Тише, Танечка, не плачь,
А не то я дам под ср*ч!
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
How do you feel when you are called---without any nicknames, just directly,
like "Sergei!!" "Alexandr!!" ????
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