i think i'm planning a trip to moscow. starting now, i have started doing research. i read alot of other posts on this forum, and i know to rent a flat its like 1000 rubles, thats not bad. its like 40 dollers. but, i know plain tickets are always fluxuating. but can somone estimate a general price for round trip? i also looked at russians 6 diffrent type of visas. they all suck. what if i want to stay there for more than a month? do i have to leave the country and get it re-newed and then coem back? or can i buy a new one in the country? what about driving. my frien alex said. you can just buy a car and drive it without anything because even if the cops pull u over u can just bribe them and keep going. how much does it cost to rent a car? and how much would i need to bribe a copor, how could i get some sort of license? i can't be without wheels. any thing else i need to know ? i think i forgot a bunch... just general expenses of things like hotel, or apartments, and plane tickets, subway and bus fairs. ok thanks. from a future muskovite