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Thread: Police Check in Russia

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    Police Check in Russia

    I am due to start work in Russia soon. At the end of that I will return to the UK. If you apply for a job in the UK and you have worked abroad the schools nowadays ask for a "Police Check" or "Certificate of Good Conduct" from the police in the country where you have been working.

    Does anyone know what I should ask for in Russia? - I'm not sure if this is just something that the local police station can provide or if, maybe, there is some national system of obtaining a copy of a criminal record. Does anyone have any idea of what I should ask for?

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  2. #2
    Почётный участник
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    OK. To answer my own question in case it helps anyone: You can do it via the Russian Consulate on your return to your home country. Or - you can do it in Russia by applying at the local office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A list of those can be found here:
    fortheether likes this.
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