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Thread: Some Basic Excersises

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Some Basic Excersises

    I was wondering where I could find some basic, Translate This, excersises. My vocabulary isn't amazing, but I find that just doing some basic reading and trying to figure what I am reading helps me a lot. Also, being able to write things is useful too, but I have no ideas. Just any excersises like that would be awesome. Thanks.
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Dear Darobat,

    I would not recommend translation as a beginning exercise. Translation is actually a very difficult process and most of the time you end up confusing yourself than actually learning something. Try thinking of something in Russian and then writing it in Russian, skipping English as the intermediary language.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    I do. I've learned that from when I attempted to learn arabic. If you think of english when you read, you won't get it. You need to think in Russian. I'm just looking for some basic Russian material that I can read.
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

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