Quote Originally Posted by Coup
Wow! Many good responses from the sweet folks here at the board. I will take all this advice and use it well - my first stop a trip to Barnes and Nobles as soon as I get another job. I recently quit my previous one and so for the moment my only resource is the internet! Gotta watch my spending.
The Penguin course should only set you back around $12. But you'll see a lot of resources there. I have a workbook, and it's great for practice.

The most Russian I ever learned was when I worked with the Russians here (Delta Junction, Alaska). I was totally immersed in conversation between them, plus listening to some Russian music, so the words just stuck when I learned them. I hope you got broadband internet, because Skype is an awesome tool to find Russian-speaking penpals you can talk to over microphone. I found one guy who lived in Odessa, Ukraine that knew English very well and was very enthusiastic about helping me with my Russian.