I've just been trying to use as many methods as I can. One method that I've found helpful has been finding some "learner's texts". These are stories in Russian with the more difficult vocabulary translated in the margins of the page. If you can find these, they are great since it saves the time of flipping through a dictionary. I would work through much of a beginning grammar text first, since they expect you to know your grammar and approximately the amount of vocab you would get in one year of Russian study.

I think Pimsleur is honestly one of the best methods for assimilating grammar at the level it works at (since it gives you everything you need to know for the problems then makes you work to retrieve that info), but the total amount of vocab in the Pimseur course is not very large.

Just think about the four skills you need (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and try to make yourself do activities in each of those.