Here's the corrections, maybe you can please tell me where they don't sound fine. I am beginner.
- Что у вас сегодня на ужин? (it's not "у тебя", it's "у вас" because it's plural)
- У нас сегодня шашлык, ты забыл? OR Мы собирались (сегодня) есть шашлык, ты забыл?
- Ааа! (Да,) забыл...

Он спросил, кто там будет. ok

- Дедушка с бабушкой, дядя, тетя и ещё... Оксана Фёдорова!
- А кто это?
- Это бывшая мисс Россия и мисс Вселеннная!
- А что ещё будет на ужин? (without ещё the question sounds strange because in this case it repeats the first question of the dialogue)
- Мясо, картошка (OR мясо с картошкой), ну и гамбургеры. (we never say картофель instead of картошка in everyday speech)

"Я положил трубку" sounds strange there. Can you really ring off just after the words like those? No "bye", no "see you"?

Жена спросила, давно ли я разговаривал с (нашим) сыном. Я ответил, что только что говорил с ним по телефону.

I just learned that "Я устал" means I was tired of doing what I was just doing. The text was trying to convey that the character was tired and did not get enough sleep or didn't sleep well. I didn't know "Я устал" did not convey that.
"Я устал" means I am/was tired of doing what I was doing actively. Well, of chopping firewood, or of cooking, or of learning new vocabulary, and so on...
Sleeping is not actually a doing. You just were asleep. You didn't do anything actively.

I am beginner.
Shouldn't it be "I am a beginner"? ...