Originally Posted by
Боб Уайтман
Через десять минутов, я вышёл из комнаты улыбавшись.
Через десять минут я вышел из комнаты, улыбаясь.
1) одна минута, две (три, четыре) минуты, пять (6 .. 10) минут.
2) As I noted before, no comma is needed after time modifiers (через 10 минут).
3) The verb "вышел" is pronounced with the first syllable stressed: "вышел". There is an easy rule for that: the prefix "вы-" in a perfective verb always pulls the stress to itself. That is why "ё" is wrong here. Please compare (stressed vowels are bold):
шёл, пошёл, пришёл, ушёл, зашёл etc. but вышел,
летел, полетел, прилетел, улетел, залетел etc. but вылетел,
пил, допил, попил, запил etc. but выпил,
нёс, отнёс, унёс, понёс etc., but вынес,
4) We put a comma before a verbal adverb (деепричастие): "вышел, улыбаясь".
5) The most difficult thing: "улыбавшись" is theoretically possible. It is a past-tense imperfective деепричастие.
But according to the standard literary Russian, this form does not exist. There are only two kinds of verbal adverbs:
- imperfective (simultaneous actions);
- perfective (consecutive actions).
Your choice of the imperfective was absolutely right here. But in the standard literary Russian the деепричастие does not have tenses at all. You only need to express the action was simultaneous. Therefore, it is just enough to say "вышел, улыбаясь" (came out while smiling). But in colloquial sub-standard speech your version is possible.