Users always see problems with the new software and miss the familiar features of the old software. That's why there are negative comments (including one by me when I was angry about losing a post).
I think it was a very successful upgrade on the whole. Nothing was broken or lost.
As a regular user I miss some of the old features too, but the truth is: software needs to be replaced or upgraded every 5-10 years.
I don't know anything about forum software though, or blog software. But I imagine MasterAdmin had a look at the options and picked this package for a good reason.
But it's important that people point out the problems, so they can be corrected.
Can you "skin" this package? I think the site should have more of a Russian (or CIS!) feel to it" Not just the out-of-the-box look... Perhaps a header with some nice photos from Russia... ? the flags of Russia and the CIS countries or some cultural symbols of the area...? Just so that people immediately see what the site is about and see some nice images.
Oh, it should definitely be possible to change the header of a post.
Currently that can't be done as far as I can tell.
Dear MasterAdmin, sorry for being a pest yesterday.![]()
I finally had time to look into search function more closely and found what I needed. It's "all posts from your last visit sorted by date in descending order".
The option "Save Search preferences" still does not save anything, and Descending order is not really descending (weird), but I bookmarked the search link and it solved this little issue, more or less.
Thank you for your patience, and the link you provided in your post. It helped.
Большинство людей привыкло к старому списку "active topics" в котором были все посты за последнюю неделю отсортированные в порядке убывания по дате. Ссылка Today's posts (та же самая, что в вашем посте "Search Results - MasterRussian.NET") выдает тот же самй лист последних постов, но только за последние сутки. Но эта ссылка недоступна если юзер залогинился.
Первое решение (самое простое) сделать ссылку Today's posts доступной и для тех кто залогинился.
Второе решение (посложнее) сделать ссылку (доступную и для залогинившися и для гостей), которая выдает лист описанный в посте #7. Это тот же самый лист, но только за неделю. (В дополнение в параметрах поиска можно в "Search In" отметить "All Types", а потом убрать галочку "Forums", что бы в результатах поиска не было названий подфорумов)
По умолчанию список сортирется по параметру "Relevance" а не по дате, по этому и возникает путаница.Descending order is not descending?
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Active topics from the last 7 days:
Search Results - MasterRussian.NET
... last 3 days:
Search Results - MasterRussian.NET
When searching (via advanced search) for blog comments (with checking the "blog comments" box only ) with sorting by date. The results are sorted by the date of the blog entry but not by the date of the comments.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Is it possible to make the master post sticky? Sometimes one has to go back to the very first page to find out what about the topic is.
Also, is it possible to keep the "New Forum Posts" table always visible?![]()
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