Hope you can help.
I am looking for information re: sauna and related sayings and terms.
If possible, terms in Russian and English (i.e. translations) are appreciated.
-what is the proper name for sauna (most frequently used names).
There seem to be a variety of meanings assigned to the name sauna,
for instance
- just raw heat
- heat with steam ("birch soup" dripped over hot rocks)
- heat with steam, accompanied by beating with birch веник
- any of the previous may be followed by immersion in cold water, or
rolling in snow or both???
- are there specific names for any of these types of sauna, or are
they lumped under one all-encompassing name or term. I imagine
that different regions have different terms.
-what is the term used to describe beating with birch веник
-what are some of the phrases used with sauna (I have heard one "to lift-up with steam")
Let's have some fun with this topic. Serious answers please.