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Thread: Geographical names

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Geographical names

    Do you know what is possible to find on the map, especially on Austian map...
    village F*cking - the most interesting that it was named in honour of its founder...LOL
    in New Guinea - village - F*ck-f*ck

    but Russia of course is champion here...and the names arent always from slang but they are funny indeed!

    some villages

    -Старые черви
    -Добрые пчёлы
    -Большое бухалово
    -Красная могила - Red grave is situated on the russian-ukrainian border and poor people have to spend in red grave about 3 hours waiting for customs control - like in horror film - 3 hours in Red Grave!!!

    rivers are also cool...where would you like to swim - in Вобля or in Кокаиновые горы?

    well.. some streets...Менструментальная, площадь Академика Люльки

    I wonder do you know more such funny geographical names?
    Артемида - богиня охоты

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Can you get me a picture of you guys in F
    Call to a hardware store: "I'm sure you know more about the caulk than I do...tell there a taste to the caulk?".

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hellllllllllllllllllllo? Are we working on this or what?
    Call to a hardware store: "I'm sure you know more about the caulk than I do...tell there a taste to the caulk?".

  5. #5
    BJ is offline
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    Can't help on the Austrian place but I have been to Crap in Switzerland and got a book of matches to prove it. There is place called Crapstone in Cornwall and a place called Ware in Hertforshire which as you can imagine makes conversation about where you live a bit difficult.
    'Where do you come from?'
    'No, where do you come from?'
    'Ware, I just told you.'
    EEK, now I'm having imaginary conversations with myself. Less computer more real life needed

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