За таранкой.
...Ну, от ста пятнадцать процентов это шесть...
Есть такая минералка под названием "Я".
Зашел в магазин, говорю:
- Здравствуйте, дайте полтораху "Я"
- Полтора чего?!
LOL at the translation for "сосиска в тесте"!
Although I suppose that sausage in the father-in-law is really no more "strange" than the CORRECT name for this dish in US English -- we traditionally call it "pig in a blanket", свинья/пороcёнок в одеяле.
Can someone explain the joke about the TV listing for "Сумерки/Twilight"?
I've never seen the movie, but to me it seems that the plot summary in Russian is more or less correct. I can only guess that maybe one of the words is a rude double-entendre?
Throbert, не переживайте. Я тоже не понял, после какого слова смеяться.
Actually the joke is the last comment "А зря." Actually the plot summary is expected to the "plot summary" i.e. the short explanation of what you can expect from the movie. While the last sentence is a personal comment of the plot summary author about the character behavior (not about the movie, the plot, the picture or acting). The author express his thought that "She would better not been doing this" in an extremely non formal way which is not expected to be printed in a paper.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Семь бед, один Reset
The funniest thing about that picture was, they wouldn't even bother calling over anyone who spoke any English, they just dumped all of that into an automatic translation program, and picked back up whatever it had to offer. Once I saw a similar thing that was done by a bunch of Chinese, they translated one sentence as "Translate server error". xD
No pants? No problem | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News
A commuter pushes his pram as people without their pants wait at a subway station during the "No Pants Subway Ride" in Berlin January 13, 2013. The event, organised by Improv Everywhere, involves participants who strip down to their underwear as they go about their normal routine. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch (GERMANY - Tags: SOCIETY)
No Pants Subway Ride,New York City
People participate in the 12th Annual No Pants Subway Ride 2013 in New York on Jan. 13, 2013. The ride is organized by Improv Everywhere, a New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. While thousands dropped trou in New York City, the movement has also spread around the world. Check out the world's most ridiculous annual subway ride ...
Очень странное мероприятие - во-первых, для чего, во-вторых, не гигиенично же, в третьих холодно...
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