Has anyone ever seen, or can one even say, something like:

Я знаю, чего и что хочешь и ждешь

where it's

я знаю, чего ждешь, и что хочешь.

The point is that the two что's are next to each other and each going with their own respective verb, yet theyre in different cases so they are marked well. Ideally it comes out quite simply and smoothly.
Seems like it would be cool if it could work somehow; the english wouldn't ever really replicate it well

'...what and what you're looking at and want'

not only can the what not be duplicated so that each verb gets its own, but certain verbs can't even be used in the same tense, so it loses some balance. ("... what you look at and want" uses "look" in an uncommon and strange sense... Because English. Feels a bit old, but I guess not entirely wrong)

'...what you see and feel' - works

'what and what you see and feel' - doesn't work, perhaps only because there is no reason to duplicate the what,

but if the two verbs, in Russian, required что in two differing cases, then perhaps it would be necessary?