Carpe, you need to shut the f*ck up right now. Serbia is a punk county that wouldn't even be here if yugoslavia didn't suck. Why should russia want to help you anyways ? there is a huge difrence between chechnya and serbia. Me and V were looking in the ФСБ photo album... i won't link all the pictures directly, because they are extremely disguisting, the crimes commited by chechnya is f*cking sick... they kidnap inocent russians and kill them, just becuase they are russian... and live in chechnya.

The 6th from the botom shows clips from an execution video of a russian taped by chechens... if you think this is funny, you should probly have your head chopped off with a knife too. Chechens don't even make sense, the stupid wahahahahahahabists like to write things in arabic they don't even understand. i actually found a picture of writing in arabic, and a russian soldier under the translation, where a chechen had been killed, and it said "вспоминай аллаха"... Now that, is funny. i luagh everytime a pig chechen is killed. now i know this is not the forums, who have an entire section dedicated to the war on chechnya... but i don't think it would hurt to address the idea on this forum.