Information overload...

Quote Originally Posted by RedFox View Post
А если серьзно, то

1. Неосоветский — это оксюморон, поскольку подразумевает, что в промежутке «обычный» и «нео» было что-то иное. Государственная система РФ, Беларуси и Украины никогда и не переставала быть советской. В начале 90-х годов прошлого столетия она перестала быть социалистической — это да. Однако, не советской это её не сделало.

2. «Russia openly condemned the slaughter and demanded an investigation. If that's what neo-Soviet is all about, then...» — как вы лихо поставили знак равенства между целым и его частью.

Латиницей это выглядит пугающе.
1. I agree that "Soviet" is a better term than "neo-Soviet". I also agree that the Soviet influence affects modern politics. But I don't agree that the Soviet influence is always a bad thing.
2. The most important Part. Any other political problems can be fixed. But if the Soul is gone.... too late.

Latin probably looked scary in Byzantium too.

Quote Originally Posted by RedFox View Post
В неменьшей степени контрпродуктивным является противопоставление вещей, имеющих принципиально различную природу, как это делаете вы. Зеленое не противопоставлено холодному, они находятся на разных шкалах.
«Катастрофа 90-х», как вы выразились, — это переход от социалистической экономики к капиталистической. Кратковременный провал в экономике и последующее её восстановление абсолютно закономерны.
При чем здесь Путин? Путин здесь ни при чем. На его месте рептилоид с Сириуса справился бы с «восстановлением» экономики не хуже: достаточно было бы просто сидеть в Кремле и не мешать обществу самому разобраться с ситуацией. Общество разобралось.
Определенные плюсы у Путина, конечно, есть — особенно на фоне спившегося Ельцина, управлявшего страной не приходя в сознание. Вполне мог бы до власти дорваться и такой человек, который к этому времени уже бы развалил страну. Но поддерживать политика только лишь за то, что он не алкоголик и не развалил страну... это как-то экстравагантно, вы не находите?

При этом, да, можно сказать, что Путин проводит «нео-советскую» (я бы сказал, просто советскую, без всяких нео-) политику.
Надо сказать, капитализм в исполнении советского гос.аппарата плох ровно настолько же, насколько в его исполнении был плох социализм. «Что ни делает дурак, всё он делает не так.»
Заметьте, что «неосоветская Россия» — та самая, про которую «контрпродуктивно пишут националисты» — абсолютно капиталистическое государство. Никому в здравом уме и в голову не приходит рассуждать о возврате к плановой экономике: ни Путину, ни его противникам с левой или правой стороны спектра. Вопрос советскости вообще не экономический. Это вопрос культурно-этнический и управленческий.

Видимые результаты этой политики:
* Уничтожение свободы слова в СМИ, борьба со свободой слова в интернете. Введение цензуры.
* Уголовные преследования политических партий и активистов.
* Де-факто введение в судебную практику понятия мыслепреступления под видом термина «разжигание розни».
* Ущемление прав граждан по этническому принципу. Выходцы Северного Кавказа — первый сорт людей, прочие народы — второй, русские — третий.
* Стимулирование миграции в Россию представителей нижних классов стран Средней Азии.
* Повышение пошлин и введение прочих мер запретительного характера вместо стимулирования конкурентоспособности собственной экономики.
* Культивирование культурно-политических мифов позднего СССР, таких как борьба с «загнивающим западом». В роли пугала выступают геи и лесбиянки, «американцы, которые усыновляют русских детей, чтобы продать на органы», «бездуховная поп-культура» и прочее.

Во-первых, без уточнения «поддерживают в чем именно» эта фраза смысла не имеет. Во-вторых, ни у вас, ни у меня нет технической возможности узнать, кого поддерживают русские в рамках страны. 80% — откуда такая праздничная цифра? Из опросов ВЦИОМ?

Эту часть я бы тоже прокомментировал, но с позавчера это запрещено.
President Putin had everything to do with the transition from communism to capitalism. He was leading the people and he eliminated the massive National Debt owed to the Western banks. In the West, money is a weapon that destroys other countries and supports power. If President Putin hadn't eliminated those debts then "Russia" right now would very likely be 81 different countries and Russia itself would be as bankrupt and messed up as Romania. Never underestimate the power of the Western oligarchs. And no, they don't care if people starve and die.
You say that the Russian people would have made the transition without Putin. That's like saying that America would have built itself without the wealthy Founding Fathers. That never happens in the real world. The oligarchs have the power.

* I read 4 different Russian newspapers (Российская газета, Красная звезда, Комсомо́льская пра́вда, and Аргументы и факты). I also watch Russia Today. I haven't noticed any serious infringement on Freedom of Speech. The views aren't always pro-Putin.
* The political opposition in the US is imprisoned, killed, or shut down by other means. Ron Paul was declared incompetent and the Kennedy's were shot. It's probably the same in most major countries.
* "Hate speech" and other tools here are also used to support "Political correctness".
* Citizens of the North Caucasus should be infringed imo. There's too many terrorists.
* No comment. I don't know enough about this part of the topic yet.
* No comment. I don't know enough to discuss economics yet at that level.
* Are they myths? America is full of race hatred, gang warfare, bizarre and heinous crimes (even against kids). Did you read about the gay American couple that adopted a Russian infant for sex? Or the black teenagers that shot a baby in the face and killed it?
This list is massive. Is that what you want for Russian culture?
Western freedom creates those atrocities.

About the gay issue. Homosexuality is legal in Russia. If it works the same way as normal relationships, then they will know when somebody wants to interface. I mean, the signs are very obvious, lol. So there's no reason to approach the wrong people or make a huge public issue about sex. That should be private and personal, not a huge parade.

Finding a poll that the American forum would accept wasn't easy. But I found a reputable poll that was accepted by them. So now even those anti-Russia/anti-Putin Americans are convinced that Putin's job approval rating is over 80%.
I'll look for the poll again and link it when I have time.

Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
(Вытерто. Л.)

Russian news and information is controlled and various Russians have gone into great detail about it. I have read on this site and other forums of the same (Pro-Putin) mentality and those Russian friends have told me about them. So, your comment is redundant since you have no clue.

It sounds like Red Fox is objecting to your assertions, too.

Russia has controlled, to a great extent, what people think although it could be said that this influence tactic also exists in other countries. But, it is especially applicable in places like Russia. One has to accumulate several sources and investigate more extensively to obtain accurate info and insight. Obviously, you don't do so at all. Parroting pro-Putin articles on the internet (most likely Western sources who prefer to toot Putin's horn) and repeating Pro-Putin Russian nationals isn't accomplishing that either.

(Вытерто. Л.)
American news and information is controlled and various Americans have gone into great detail about it. I have read on this site and other forums of the same (Pro-Obama) mentality and those American friends have told me about them. So your comment is redundant since you have no clue...
Since you didn't add sources to support your claims then I'll add a few for mine.
Politics | Freedom of the Press is not Free | Washington Times Communities
Why Jill Abramson Was Fired : The New Yorker

The New York Times editor was fired because she published a story that supported the pro-Russian views.

RedFox has offered different insights, not opposition. She (or he) is a worthy opponent in a debate. And RedFox isn't abusive.

Imo, every country is working to control what people think. In my country, it's called being "politically correct". And it's especially applicable in every country, not one more than another.
I never said Putin was perfect but I do support him.


There are massive libraries full of legal documents, legal code, political policies, legislation, party platforms, etc etc...
But 99% of the people who go to the polls and vote don't know very much about that. Why?
If they knew what they really needed to know about politics, there wouldn't be any time left to raise families, design cars, build cities, raise crops, explore space, advance medicine, design aircraft, design clothing, create symphonies...
Politics is another job you can add to that list.
If a politician isn't doing his job in a way that makes the people mostly happy then they can elect a new politician. The same is true if an architect designs a bad house. They can lose their job.
What people can't afford to do is devote eveybodys lives to nothing but politics. They will starve or die of exposure to the elements.

So no, I do not believe that people need to know everything about politics. The only requirement is that they hire the right politicians to make them happy. Russia has leaders that make most of the people happy.

But the topic is "Russophobie" and "Russophilia" so, what's scary in the 21st century?
1. A country that invaded and destroyed 7 other countries since 2000 and has military bases all over the world?
2. A country that only deals with issues on it's borders and only has military bases in it's own country?
3. A country that has the highest percentage of it's population in prisons?
4. A country that can't compete with that record?
5. A country that has 4 of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world?
6. A country that has none of those 50 cities?
7. A country that doesn't object to people being burned alive?
8. A country that does object to that?

What really confuses me is why nobody ever discuesses "Ameriphobia". It's a scary place to live.