Quote Originally Posted by jorgesoler
Hello to every one!
I wanted to learn russian 'cause I want to know more about Russia and USSR, if someone can help me I would like to know,
Well, my unilateral opinions follows (and them also may open a floodgate :P )

What are the main changes that ocurried in russia and the Former Republics in the last 12 years?...
In brief: changes to the worse.

What is better the capitalism or socialism?.
To make comparison, people must have some idea what "capitalism" is. For now, they can only compare socialism and criminal oligarchy. Strange it is, most of the people think socialism was better.

and what the people think?
At most, they think they made BIG mistake 12 years ago

How is the life (ecomical, social and political) in kasajtan, armenia, ukrania etc...Ok, thanks.
(They are "Kazakhstan" and "Ukraina") Also in brief: mostly and in Russian Federation, but even worse.