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Thread: Russia in EU

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Russia in EU

    How high on the Russian agenda is getting into the EU? What are the earliest feasible dates for such entrance? 10 years, 20?

  2. #2
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    Re: Russia in EU

    What makes you think there is such an agenda?
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  3. #3
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    just asking if there was. There must be some discussion about this, no?

  4. #4
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    There's no need to get into the EU for the Russian Federation.

  5. #5
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    это даже не смешно ...классика ...
    войдёт ли Россия в ЕС? Если надо - то и войдём!!!
    Войдём по самые нидерланды!!!
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  6. #6
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    What about NATO ? =))
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  7. #7
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    ну в первоисточнике и было НАТО кстати ...
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  8. #8
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    Hell, войдем по самые штаты, you say! Dogboy will be sitting quietly in his history class when the teacher looks out the window and sees parachutes. He runs outside only to be mowed down by Cubans. Dogboy then runs into the forest and leads a guerilla group named after his high school hockey team. Yeah!

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ah, only now I understand 'войдём по самые нидерланды!'. Couldn't figure out пo+acc., thought it was used in a distributive sense. Вий думм кан ман зайн.
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  10. #10
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    Russia is never going to be accepted into the EU. Why? Simple. Russia has no need for it, since alone Russia has enough economic potential with its natural resources and industry to do well on its own. Plus Russia's vast amounts of natural resources and industrial potential makes its possible for Russia to dominate the EU. So Russia doesnt have a real reason to join and the EU has no real reason to allow Russia in. Simple as that!
    "Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
    nor can she be measured
    by a common yardstick.
    A special character she has;
    In Russia one can only have faith."

    --Fydor Tyutchev

  11. #11
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogboy182
    What about NATO ? =))
    Alexander Grushko, whose Deupty Director of the European Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed this issue in his 2002 report for the Foreign Ministry titled "On the New Quality of Russia-NATO relations"

    "For reasons of its military self-sufficiency and with account taken of the general situation of the world, Russia does not need NATO's collective defense gurantees."

    Most talk about Russia joining NATO and/or the EU is largely fanciful dreaming IMHO.
    "Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
    nor can she be measured
    by a common yardstick.
    A special character she has;
    In Russia one can only have faith."

    --Fydor Tyutchev

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Re: Russia in EU

    Quote Originally Posted by begemot
    How high on the Russian agenda is getting into the EU? What are the earliest feasible dates for such entrance? 10 years, 20?
    Very low.
    I pretty well understand, why EU needs Russia so much. But I have absolutely no idea, why EU is needed for Russia. (As well as WTO, for that sake).
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Russia has no need for it, since alone Russia has enough economic potential with its natural resources and industry to do well on its own. Plus Russia's vast amounts of natural resources and industrial potential makes its possible for Russia to dominate the EU.
    Well, excuse me while I smirk annoyingly. I like Russia, but it's not as if it's even a shadow of it's former 'glory' anymore, is it? Let's compare some numbers. This is compared to Holland, mind you, a country with just 16 million inhabitants, and a labour force 10 times smaller than Russia's.
    GDP - three times as much as Holland
    GDP per capita - three times smaller
    Revenues - half of Holland's
    Exports - 2/5 that of Holland
    Imports - 3/10 that of Holland
    (for bad manners, source: - world factbook - I know, they're evil anti-Russian conspirators)

    And you think they'd dominate the EU? They wouldn't even dominate a Russo-Dutch Union.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Russia has no need for it, since alone Russia has enough economic potential with its natural resources and industry to do well on its own. Plus Russia's vast amounts of natural resources and industrial potential makes its possible for Russia to dominate the EU.
    Well, excuse me while I smirk annoyingly. I like Russia, but it's not as if it's even a shadow of it's former 'glory' anymore, is it? Let's compare some numbers.
    Emphasis on "potential" in the original quote. Hell, just look at the Soviet time numbers.

    Revenues - half of Holland's
    Exports - 2/5 that of Holland
    Imports - 3/10 that of Holland
    BS. There is N/A in the Russian Oil Exports. The data are completely bogus without that. Not to mention that the Russian economy does not depend on export/import as the Dutch does.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  15. #15
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    And you think they'd dominate the EU? They wouldn't even dominate a Russo-Dutch Union.

    Have you ever been in Russia?
    First of all we are not exporting goods or labor or whatever like that ...we are exporting mentality and attitude that is kinda sticky ...I mean we have enough mental power to change reality in places where there is too many of us ...and i doubt that such changes are of any good to that places
    We are agressive, with no respect to laws and authorities, very well prepared to survive in any circumstances and lazy to learn foreign languages
    (poor Finland )
    And don't forget that russian borders are weak enough to let in crowds and crowds of caucasians, middle asian ppl, chinese ppl and other ppl with non-russian citizienship etc etc etc
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  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Russia has no need for it, since alone Russia has enough economic potential with its natural resources and industry to do well on its own. Plus Russia's vast amounts of natural resources and industrial potential makes its possible for Russia to dominate the EU.
    Well, excuse me while I smirk annoyingly. I like Russia, but it's not as if it's even a shadow of it's former 'glory' anymore, is it? Let's compare some numbers. This is compared to Holland, mind you, a country with just 16 million inhabitants, and a labour force 10 times smaller than Russia's.
    GDP - three times as much as Holland
    GDP per capita - three times smaller
    Revenues - half of Holland's
    Exports - 2/5 that of Holland
    Imports - 3/10 that of Holland
    (for bad manners, source: - world factbook - I know, they're evil anti-Russian conspirators)

    And you think they'd dominate the EU? They wouldn't even dominate a Russo-Dutch Union.
    for the last 10 years, the #1 top secret of Russia was the REAL state of things in the industrial sector. According to official statistics, ALL plants and factories were near death, have no funds and profits, not even paying salaries... whence not in need of paying taxes and like.

    You think CIA knows situation much better than Goskomstat? I doubt.

    Now, the situation with statistics is better a bit, but still far from perfect. According to some estimates, the shadow economy is 50-75% of real production. So, if you want to know real GDP of Russia, multiply it by 2-4 (at least).

    Finally about GDP of Holland: what part of it is consumer goods and what part -- services? Which is goods to services ratio?
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  17. #17
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    We don't even have to talk about the "real" GDP. If we take the growth rate, which is 8% now, the GDP in ten years from now will be 2.2 times the current GDP (at, that is to say $3.1 trillion. Which is 1.5 times the current GDP of Germany, the biggest economy in the EU.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин
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    First you criticize my numbers for being unfounded (Goskomstat better than CIA, nuh-nuh), then you give your own prognosis of future stats which of course can't be proven. Doesn't matter, I'll just wait ten years and see if you're right. No point in discussing it. (where did you get the 8% GDP growth rate? I really hope you didn't double the rate found on the cia site...)
    Army Anti-Strapjes
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  19. #19
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    (where did you get the 8% GDP growth rate? I really hope you didn't double the rate found on the cia site...)

    Emphasis on "potential" in the original quote. Hell, just look at the Soviet time numbers.
    And where exactly would we get those numbers from? If I remember correcly the Soviet Union wasn
    blame Canada

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    (where did you get the 8% GDP growth rate? I really hope you didn't double the rate found on the cia site...)
    I took it from today's Putin speech. I do believe he knows the stuff better than the CIA.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

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