About Waffen SS:
Nuremberg tribunal (which USSR also was a part of) decided that Waffen SS is a criminal organization EXCEPT Latvian and Estonian Legions.
They were conscripted illegally (against Hague convention which prohibits enlisting inhabitants of occupied territories - USSR also committed that crime by conscripting Latvians into Red Army).
Many legionnaires were later tasked to guard German war criminals.
LOUISiana Digital Library : Item Viewer
All Western countries recognize it.
The only country that is screaming about Waffen SS and nazism in Latvia is... surprise, surprise... Russia.
No one else is paying any attention or commenting about Latvian Legion Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - only Russia - every year after Putin got power (in 90s even Russia did not care).
Even Israel is not saying anything.
And, I think, everybody knows how (in)famous Mossad is for hunting former Nazi criminals and people that, they think, are threat to Israel.
Look what they did to get this guy:
Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yet - they do not pay any attention to Latvian and Estonian Legionnaires - and these people aren't even hiding.

And all Russia can is to spread propaganda, because they do not have any evidence to prosecute these people.