nulle, Latvia was alway a political prostitute
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XII-XVI centuries. Latvia was invaded by crusaders and ancient Germany considered Latvia as a part of their orders. Natives were turned into slaves
XIV-XVIII centuries. Latvia is a part of Poland and Sweden, divided in half
XVIII-XX centuries. Latvia is a part of Russian Empire. By that type Latvia already been Russian and Russian people considered Latvia as part of their land. Руссо-Балт

In the World War I Latvia gets occupied by Germans. Germany considered Latvia as United Baltic Duchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first time when Latvia actually tries to get independent is a year 1918 - Latvian War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. By that time Russia is in civil war
Imperial Russia is on Latvian side which automatically makes Latvia an enemy to new Bolshevik RSFSR government
And actually RSFSR finally agrees on Latvian independence - Latvian–Soviet Peace Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you probably would hate to accept, without Russia, Latvia would never have any chance to be independent

Right now Latvia is selling itself to stronger allies. I guess old habits die hard