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Thread: Racism

  1. #121
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    While I'm not white (read earlier post), I still believe that racism goes both ways, and iamjames' story can attest to that

    However, having said that, it seems that many people took the initial thread for an anti-white rambling (before iamjames' participation). And then it just turned into 'omg whites are discriminated against but ppl can be racist to whites but not the other way around" hissy fit, and then turns into a thread of victimizing a race (which, I would surmise, many of you see as a reason to critique the other race), and sweeping everyone under the banner of white vs. non-white.

    While I don't like the initial post to begin with, does it warrant all this racist reaction?

    Yes, racism goes both ways, but why do some of you (those who were first to answer) have to sink to their level?

    And iamjames, I am glad to see that you survived this and I commend you for your bravery. Низкий тебе поклон.
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  2. #122
    DDT is offline
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    What racist reaction? There is no racism here. Just an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Perhaps you need to visit


    to see what racism is.
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  3. #123
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    I think that the problem with people from USA is in the fact that the Americans had lived for many years in the society which indulged itself with racial segregation. Things may have changed by now (although from these posts and many others I see that the institute of political correctness didn't help people much to get rid of racial prejudices - maybe quite the opposite - like a bad medicine that cures symptoms only and not that what really caused a disease). The real causes of racism is povetry (for a nation that claims to be the richest in the world that's a real shame), illiteracy and ignorance. Illiterate and ignorant people tend to blame people who differ from them in any way. Maybe USA was unlucky to have people of different nationalities and races got mixed and jumbled together. There're too many different kinds of people live in America to help now, what makes matters worse - every single group is absolutely confident that they are the best of all and the others are unworthy. At least when political correctness had not been yet introduced people could see who was who and adjust their thinking. Now people are politically correct but anyone can take his .357 and decorate a nearby wall with bits of your brains.
    White and rich people dislike poor black people and the other way around. I think the only way to get out of this situation is grand interbreeding program - to mix races and nationalities to the point nobody could tell exactly which nationality or race he is. After this there won't be a place for racism or nationalism. Everybody would be of a common race.
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  4. #124
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    I don't think it will solve the problem. It's people nature to dislike something or someone.
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    I don't think it will solve the problem. It's people nature to dislike something or someone.
    Yes, it's called xenophobia. But we're talking about racism here. When there is only one race racism would be impossible.
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    What racist reaction? There is no racism here. Just an exchange of ideas and thoughts. Perhaps you need to visit


    to see what racism is.
    The first link didn't work for me, but the second one is just terrible (and retarded, too)
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  7. #127
    DDT is offline
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    Ramil Wrote:
    The real causes of racism is povetry
    Not really. Racism is simply the natural desire for people to be attracted to their own kind. Everybody has it.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  8. #128
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    Ramil, consider racism the natural development of the kin pride. Like you love your close relatives and naturally will favor them in every way. So do strangers have the right to blame you for kinship and "kinnism"? Hardly. The same here. Noone not of your race has the right to blame you for being favorable to your kinsfolk and indifferent to other nations/races/whatever. And truly mad is he, who disputes this natural instinct of every man.

    Race and nation are just a bigger scale of family.
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  9. #129
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    Well, I'm not shouting about any privileges my race has over the others. I agree that under some circumstances I would give privileges to those I like but that doesn't mean that others are bad or of 'lower kind'. And racism (or nationalism) is exactly this kind of thing. It declares that any man with white skin is better than any man with black skin. I don't really think so. I know many white people whom I'd treated with worse than with a pig. And I suppose there are many people of different races whom I'd treated better. I don't divide people, I look at each one I meet and decide whether he is worthy or not. And the color of his skin is the last thing I'd look at.
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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yazeed
    While I'm not white (read earlier post), I still believe that racism goes both ways, and iamjames' story can attest to that

    However, having said that, it seems that many people took the initial thread for an anti-white rambling (before iamjames' participation). And then it just turned into 'omg whites are discriminated against but ppl can be racist to whites but not the other way around" hissy fit, and then turns into a thread of victimizing a race (which, I would surmise, many of you see as a reason to critique the other race), and sweeping everyone under the banner of white vs. non-white.

    While I don't like the initial post to begin with, does it warrant all this racist reaction?

    Yes, racism goes both ways, but why do some of you (those who were first to answer) have to sink to their level?

    And iamjames, I am glad to see that you survived this and I commend you for your bravery. Низкий тебе поклон.
    THANKS! I was very much so frightend, but i am fearing that there are some racists/nationalists/sexits/and other ists here on this page, so I give up.

    I belong to this organization called Harmony NCCJ and I went to a workshop, and it tought me many many things, like I have to accept other peoples opinions, because I will try to belive that they will mine. I alos think that many people have reasons why they think the way they do, I see rasicm alot going to a school that was all african-american and me being one of the only whites, and then going to a school that was prodomitaly white, and trying to fit in with the African-Americans didnt work. Even though that was what I was used to. I think racism is everywhere, no matter what anyone thinks. Although, I can only speak from my own testaments, and my own acounters. Thanks for reading my story!
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
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  11. #131
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    Ok, one more thing before I give up, I think someone mentioned imagration. Me being from the USA I see alot of it. I dont agree with Bush not letting some families in the the USA from Mexico, when all they want is a better life? I can see why the whole "ITS STEALING THE AMERICAN JOBS" is a problem, but arent we a nation that WANTS TO HELP PEOPLE SO THERE ISNT POVERTY IN THE WORLD?! Hmm... I do think we are, so how come its an issue if someone who is from another country takes jobs? They want a healty life too! UGH... I dont know, maybe I am just "TOO YOUNG" to understand compleatly.
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  12. #132
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    About that 'stealing the jobs' thing - I see a lot of migrants here too, and I hear those talks about jobs here too, but a question I ask - why doesn't local population work in all those niches migrants go working into. The answer is simple - they don't want to go there. The job is lousy and the pay is even worse. Only a migrant will go there. Any local man or woman wants to get a better job, social compensations and a corporate free cell number. There isn't enough good jobs for all, so someone just have to take our sh|t from under us sometimes. I doubt I would ever see my neighbor hauling garbage. Go work if you want to, but don't ever say that someone has stealt your job if you turn your nose off it.
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  13. #133
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    And racism (or nationalism) is exactly this kind of thing.
    Racism and nationalism are not equal. And could you answer one straight question, if you don't mind?

    What does keeping your house free of those you don't want to be in have to do with race superiority?
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    Ramil, consider racism the natural development of the kin pride. Like you love your close relatives and naturally will favor them in every way. So do strangers have the right to blame you for kinship and "kinnism"? Hardly. The same here. Noone not of your race has the right to blame you for being favorable to your kinsfolk and indifferent to other nations/races/whatever. And truly mad is he, who disputes this natural instinct of every man.

    Race and nation are just a bigger scale of family.
    Have you ever met a racist who is indifferent to the people of the other race? ... 0%B7%D0%BC

    If you think carefully you will find, that the human's pride doesn't relate with any hatred to the others.

    Naturally mad is everyone who calls the racism natural.
    Don't you think the only existing race is a human race? One of the genetic researches in the UK showed that a large group of Brits who, as they thought, were the complete Brits had the genes of Africans.
    More than just that. There were a time when due to the global disasters the quantity of the humans were about one thousand. All the people you see have one great great grandmother. And she was't "white" as it was many times told on this board.

    Anyone who is indifferent to the people of other race in NOT a racist.
    Я так думаю.

  15. #135
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    Leof, I can't see how your post is related to mine. You seem to have read me upside down and not caught my idea...
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  16. #136
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    From your link
    «Раси́зм — доктрина, провозглашающая превосходство одной человеческой расы над другой.»
    Where in the world did I proclaim race superiority?
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  17. #137
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    Have I misunderstood you then?
    You said :

    Noone not of your race has the right to blame you for being favorable to your kinsfolk and indifferent to other nations/races/whatever
    Nobody blames people who are indiffernt to the other races. Nobody calls them racists. It is the racists who see the differences.
    Я так думаю.

  18. #138
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    But you say that if I claim that every human being must be treated equally and not with any benefits based on his or her nationality -- I'm a racist, since those who come to my country have some weird priviliges I'm constantly trying to deprive them of.

    Or have I misunderstood you too?
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  19. #139
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    What I told about were these your words.
    Ramil, consider racism the natural development of the kin pride. Like you love your close relatives and naturally will favor them in every way. So do strangers have the right to blame you for kinship and "kinnism"? Hardly. The same here. Noone not of your race has the right to blame you for being favorable to your kinsfolk and indifferent to other nations/races/whatever. And truly mad is he, who disputes this natural instinct of every man.

    Race and nation are just a bigger scale of family.
    I do not see anywhere in that your post the phrase "if I claim that every human being must be treated equally and not with any benefits based on his or her nationality -- I'm a racist, since those who come to my country have some weird priviliges I'm constantly trying to deprive them of."

    Tell me what was the first:
    the discrimination based on the color of skin or
    the privileges for the people with not "white" color of skin?
    Or the the privileges to those who comes to your country?

    When the Africans who were puted in slavery by the European "whites" came on the European and American soil - what kind of privileges did they have? Why do you think such privileges exist today?
    Were those Africans the imigrants? The tourists? The conquerors? The explorers? Did they come as the unwanted guests? They were brought as a livestock. And they had no rights or privileges until the middle of the 20'th century in the USA, when you couldn't take a place in the bus if you had a black skin.

    In the WWII German nacists took the part in the jews' privileges. You know what happened.

    What kind of privilege do have those who come to your country?
    Is it a privilege to be not killed in the synagogue?
    Or on the market place?
    Я так думаю.

  20. #140
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    Have you ever seen the sign:

    "Смерть славянам"? "Смерть русским"? "Бей русских"?
    Have you ever seen or heard that?

    Perhaps people who write "Смерть жидам" on the board connected with the mine did not mean what they wrote?
    Я так думаю.

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