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Thread: new arms race

  1. #1
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    new arms race

    Putin is building up some new missile thing (can't remember what it is called cause I gave the article on it to my russian language professor) in response to bush's new star wars program (anti ballistic missile defence system). This could begin a new arms race. This is smth I am worried about. What do the rest of you people think about this? Does this worry any of you people also, like it worries me?
    The bureaucracy exists to serve the people; the people don't exist to serve the bureaucracy."- N. I. Bukharin

  2. #2
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    Nah, it's cool, I'm building a secret doomsday weapon in my backyard, so I'm not really worried about lagging behind anyone.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    Nah, it's cool, I'm building a secret doomsday weapon in my backyard, so I'm not really worried about lagging behind anyone.
    My doomsday device is way better than your doomsday device, Pravitushka. Mine has a BIG RED BUTTON helpfully labelled "launch." And an LED that displays the countdown!

  4. #4
    Старший оракул
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    I hope it also has the obligatory three wires underneath the casing, one red, one yellow, and one blue ... and only by cutting ONE of them can you abort the countdown to .. Armageddon!
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Re: new arms race

    Quote Originally Posted by Светлана Ежова
    Putin is building up some new missile thing (can't remember what it is called cause I gave the article on it to my russian language professor) in response to bush's new star wars program (anti ballistic missile defence system). This could begin a new arms race.
    Your russian language professor actually *knew* what Putin was talking about? If so, he is informed better than the rest of the world.

    But, as some experts think, this new weapon is actually not more than a multi-warhead mounting on "Topol-M". (Look at for more info.) Also some warhead may become maneurable (not just ballistic). Not an extremely new idea, AFAIK.

    Quote Originally Posted by Светлана Ежова
    This is smth I am worried about. What do the rest of you people think about this? Does this worry any of you people also, like it worries me?
    Two superpowers in arms competition -- this is definitely bad situation.
    I can think of only one situation which is definitely worse: one superpower without competitors.
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  6. #6
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    actually, he didn't know (my russian language prof). I knew about it because my boyfriend is quite informed and he told me about the article. I cut it out and gave it to my rusdsian language prof cause he did not know about it. And when I told him he was very eager to read about it.
    The bureaucracy exists to serve the people; the people don't exist to serve the bureaucracy."- N. I. Bukharin

  7. #7
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    Re: new arms race

    Quote Originally Posted by Светлана Ежова
    Putin is building up some new missile thing (can't remember what it is called cause I gave the article on it to my russian language professor) in response to bush's new star wars program (anti ballistic missile defence system). This could begin a new arms race.
    Your russian language professor actually *knew* what Putin was talking about? If so, he is informed better than the rest of the world.

    But, as some experts think, this new weapon is actually not more than a multi-warhead mounting on "Topol-M". (Look at for more info.) Also some warhead may become maneurable (not just ballistic). Not an extremely new idea, AFAIK.

    Quote Originally Posted by "Светлана Ежова":ln2mcycn
    This is smth I am worried about. What do the rest of you people think about this? Does this worry any of you people also, like it worries me?
    Two superpowers in arms competition -- this is definitely bad situation.
    I can think of only one situation which is definitely worse: one superpower without competitors.[/quote:ln2mcycn]

    I think your right, especially if that superpower is a big bad hegemon who wants to impose their everything on the rest of the world.
    The bureaucracy exists to serve the people; the people don't exist to serve the bureaucracy."- N. I. Bukharin

  8. #8
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    Two superpowers in arms competition -- this is definitely bad situation.
    I can think of only one situation which is definitely worse: one superpower without competitors.
    I can think of one which is much worse: one superpower with several secret competitors building doomsday devices in their spare time.

    @Lindzi: Mine plays "L'Internationale" when you launch it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    @Lindzi: Mine plays "L'Internationale" when you launch it.
    ...and mobile phone melody from "Бумер" in approach.
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  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    Two superpowers in arms competition -- this is definitely bad situation.
    I can think of only one situation which is definitely worse: one superpower without competitors.
    I can think of one which is much worse: one superpower with several secret competitors building doomsday devices in their spare time.
    This is exactly what I'm talking about. Because, if superpower can't tolerate open competition -- well, it's doomed to face "secret competition" instead.
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

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