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November 27, 2006 05:46 AM

Many Western naturalists and anthropologists perceive Russians as human beings. This misconcept can be explained by the fact that Russians have pale skin that largely lacks hair cover, and the majority of their males and females have long lost their tails, hoofs, and horns. Many of them resemble White Man to such a degree that some Westerners even seek to treat them as equal,-an utterly fanciful notion.

Russians seem to genetically differ from the Western White Man, and many experts believe that Russians are the species that is distinctly different from the arians, although some argue that, as Russian females can bear human babies, they should be considered as sub-humans.

The concepts of Western civilization and culture is largely lost on those poor beings. Frustration about lack of respect for westerners has been woven into Russians for centuries. One French Emperor who visited Russia in 1812 with his troops was awed by the hardships accepted by Tsar's people. He noted a blend of arrogance and inferiority complex in their attitudes. Russians seemed somewhat upset and all the noble attempts to ingrain the concepts of libert