WTF? Perhaps, this?!?
WTF? Perhaps, this?!?
Putin loyalists are even conceding the RAND thing can't be verified and RT even took their article down.![]()
1 down. 4 left.
But President Putin didn't call ethnic Russians "idiots". He called prejudiced ethnic Russians "idiots". It was probably a politically motivated statement since there is some Nationalism in other Russian political parties.
Real or not, it's a perfect example of American corporate intervention. They write more political policy in America than non-corporate American citizens and they've been highly invested in every war. That's why the Iraqi oil fields are now controlled by private companies instead of Iraq or the Iraqi people.
Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.
Eric, I consider this post a primitive trollism. It is somewhat insulting to even read it.
But I'm going to accept your "confusion", even it looks like deliberately chosen bait.
You are confusing Russians with Russia.
From the day one of the conflict Russian officials were saying that there are many ethnic Russians in Ukraine and i don't see anything wrong with that expression said by potentially ethnic Russian.
As for "criminal gang stuff", there are many different opinions on that topic, some consider current Ukrainian president to be in "criminal gang stuff" but I don't see any point of discussing that with you, you made it very clear in your previous posts, that you prefer to deny any positive facts that would be related to Russians.
Just try not to throw insults and do not create ethnic and national hatred here.
Wrong. Find Russian sites (where they discuss it) or Russians that can translate for you. Many Russians have said that he called ethnic Russians who want the country for themselves (naturally), idiots. It's a recognizable insult. So, he insulted a sizable portion of the population. Sugarcoating or spinning it as anything else is inaccurate and insulting.
(Вытерто. Л.)
Last edited by Lampada; July 6th, 2014 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Переход на личности
It's your narrative that takes the statement out of context and makes it inaccurate and insulting. Not mine.
I never jump into a conversation, listen to it for 19 seconds, and expect to know what anyone was discussing.
But I do know that President Putin is opposed to extreme Nationalistic groups that use that slogan and those groups are a very small minority in Russia.
Video uploaded on February 4, 2010. That's almost 4 1/2 years ago and it hasn't affected President Putin's popularity in Russia.
Thanks for the invitation to those Russian sites but I'm not a Navalny supporter. Like I said before, if I was a Russian, I would vote for Vladimir V. Putin, not Alexei Navalny or anyone else in the Progress party. I don't agree with their ideology.
If you find any more ancient videos, please share. But try for videos longer than 19 seconds - Tbh, that's really not long enough to be very entertaining.
Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.
В Киеве напали на редакцию издания Вести
Опубликовано видео нападения на редакцию "Вестей" -
Lugn, bara lugn
CNN высоко оценила успехи АТО на Украине![]()
I seriously doubt.... are they THAT stupid or it's done on purpose?
Lugn, bara lugn
Лампада, ты либо действительно крайняя лицемерка, либо при сдаче современного ЕГЭ по русскому языку у тебя была бы махровая двойка (там есть задания, проверяющие, насколько ты вообще понял содержание фразы, написанной на русском языке).
Какой "Переход на личности и грубость"??? На чью личность я перешла? Кому я нагрубила? Тебе вообще, кстати, хорошо известно значение и стилистика слова "придурок"? Учитывая, что я никого конкретно не обзывала, а просто процитировала слова другого человека, особенно лицемерным выглядит то, что вот этот пост с 12-й страницы темы тобой оставлен без внимания, хотя там употреблено гораздо более грубое слово "идиот" и имеется в виду вполне конкретный человек, а автор поста никого не цитирует, а высказывает свое собственное мнение:
"If I were Russian, what that idiot said would get me real pissed off..."
Можешь впарить мне сколько хочешь предупреждений или банов, это не отменит того факта, что ты самодурка и лицемерка, и это знает весь форум.
Еще один мастрид от Галковского, ссылку на которого Лампада, разумеется, удалит: 901. ХОРОШЕЕ ПОВТОРИ И ЕЩЁ РАЗ ПОВТОРИ
Whatever. Ask Russians in a political forum. Here's yet another video with the same interpretation.
I don't want to engage simpletons further. It's a waste of time.
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